Sunday, June 2, 2024

Tom's Chaos Renegades - May: WILDCARD


Well, things are setting down a little bit in the New House, which is nice. 
Painting mojo is picking up a little nearing the completion of this post (last quarter of May) so hopefully in June I can round out the units I have already into multiples of five, rather than the respective Sacred Number - for that extra heresy.

Anyhow, last month I started off with the idea of painting the wonderful Adobe scenery available from Fogou Models to generate some motivations...

And here it is painted, using some acrylic paint that I borrowed from my other half... 

I took inspiration from the legend that is Leadplague (blog) (instagram) for the stripes around the buildings. I think that I should have painted them darker too, but never mind - they are done now!

One of the dwellings is not like the others...πŸ‘‡

And then I got carried away with more daemons! I painted another Nurgle Champion for the palanquin, which I really like. I love the simplicity of this model and I think it feels a lot more sinister for it πŸ‘‡

And then I thought that Khorne would love some representation on the battlefield. 
These are Bloodthirsty Fiends, available from Satyr Studio πŸ‘‡
The darker scheme is to fit them in with the Khorne Marines, and more specifically the Greater Daemon that I painted before the challenge..

The Flesh Hounds turned up, so I felt obliged to paint at least one! They were a pain to add on to the base. I ended up clipping the slottatab much smaller, and then carving a little space in the cork for it to sit. Then liberal amounts of superglue. The head and the front part of the body were all pinned, thankfully, as I have dropped this model a couple of times already!

I painted it with two eyes (just), but I think it is sculpted as a cyclops...

Here's a quick pic of all the Khorne models including some Hounds and an extra Bloodletter painted before the OWAC start...πŸ‘‡

After these, the only God without some daemon representation was Slaanesh, so naturally I painted up some Daemonettes. πŸ‘‡ (I have painted quite a few plaguebearers before the start of the OWAC)

And a group shot with their Greater Daemon...πŸ‘‡

Propaganda BotπŸ‘‡ Spreading some essential info yo! I think this was an unexpected free mini by  Alternative Armies

But yeeaaaah, that just about wraps up this month. Here's the breakdown:

Intro - army list: link
January - rank and file 1 / Khorne: link
February - rank and file 2 / Tzeentch: link
March - leaders: link
April - rank and file 3 / daemons: link

May: Wildcard
Free...   Terrain
Free...   Nurgle Champion
175...   5 x Khorne Bloodletters
38....    1 x Khorne Flesh Hound
175...   5 x Slaanesh Daemonettes
Free...   Propaganda Bot 
Total: 388

Hopefully next month - THE LAST MONTH! will be rounding off the units, and maybe some extra slaanesh marines...
Full army pics will follow in July. I'll take off the digital blue background and try to photograph everyone again so that they all have the same exposure levels...

I'll just finish off with a quick rollcall, just for my future reference on what I should paint (although that might not materialise into what I actually do paint!)

1 x Sorcerer on Disc
3 x Pink Horrors
6 x Blue Horrors
6 x Thousand Sons
4 x Flamers

1 x Fiend of Slaanesh
5 x Daemonettes
❌ (needed - marines)

1 x Champion of Nurgle on Palanquin + stand in 
❌ (needed - marines)

1 x OWAC Champion
1 x Flesh Hound
5 x Bloodletters
1 x Aspiring Champion
9 x Berserkers

Command + Extras
1 x Chaos Lord
1 x Keeper of Secrets
1 x Sorcerer
1 x Chaos spawn/champ
1 x Plaguebearer champ
1 x Chaos frog (the True Master)
1 x Tzeentch familiar

And I leave you for this month, with this nice group shot of the Tzeentch marines - my favourite so farπŸ‘‡


  1. Wait... two Nurgle Palanquins in the same challenge!? What debauched Oldhammer extravagance is this!? I love it!

    I like the blind-fimir skull looking Flesh Hound and the sickly looking boils on the fiendish blades too!

    1. Ah, sorry to disappoint, but it's just a duplicate champion sitting on the same palanquin... πŸ™‚

  2. I love those bloodletters and their dark paint scheme. My HR Giger counter is giving exceptionally high readings

  3. Lots of cool and fun stuff again. I especially like the colours on those buildings and the classic crab-clawed Slaaneshi troupe.

    1. I did have a bit of a mental block on starting the daemonettes, but in the end they (like the Horrors) turned out to paint up real nice :)

  4. Another month with a fantastic amount of progress. Well done on the terrain in particular; all the painting is top notch, but I really struggle with motivating myself to paint terrain so just assume everyone hates it as much as I!

    1. I think I'm just feeling it with painting the Chaos. I did, before the Challenge, paint quite a bit of Chaos, so some fatigue has properly set in. Terrain was the lesser of two evils!

  5. All very sinister-looking, fabulous. The buildings are great, maybe a very thin wash of mucky brown on the white stripes?

    1. Cheers for the tip. I think I might well experiment with some kinda oil... But first a varnish just in case!

  6. Absolutely incredible as usual. Love the host of pink Daemons and the Nurgle Champ

    Despite how amazing all the miniatures are, I really have to praise the terrain. I love that desert pink that's somehow, at once, subdued and really rich. That's going to look so amazing on the table.

    1. TBH I was as surprised as to how pink it came out! All credit to Paint Straight Out t'Pot and then diluted to the extreme :) I now have to get a board together to go with the houses...


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