Sunday, June 2, 2024

Mustafa’s Beakiees: Month V, rank and file

 I had a bit of a conundrum this month and I printed a couple of vindicators thinking they were in the 2nd Ed codex only to find that they didn’t rear their chunky heads until 3rd Ed!!

Cursing my stupidity I pulled at what little hair I have left stressing over a solution, only to find that some bright spark on the interwebz had already come up with an answer for all my woes!

These lads (and lasses possibly, I didn’t check) have updated and collated all the datafax cards as well as coming up with new ones to cover some of the more recent vehicles.

I printed off one of those newfangled laser vindicators too, but for the sake of this challenge it’ll count as a regular vindicator for games of 2nd Ed. I may try to work out the points for it, but that’s a challenge for another day.

So that’s two vindicators at 185 points each for a grand total of 370 points.

Cheers :)


  1. For me, the only reason to play W40K is the possibility of having tanks and you have so many so... Perfect!

  2. Well they just fit right at home, don't they! Glad you found a proper Datafax for them. I will remember that when I do mine :)

  3. They are glorious and I love the idea of playing with a fully mechanised force.

  4. Lovely tanks, that's a really hard hitting force you've built. You've got more tanks there than I had in my Space Marine Company back in the late 80s, but that was before even Predators had been invented!

  5. Brilliant stuff. I'm 100% sold on printing scaled up epic STLs for use with 40k now. Your army looks great. I'm really getting inspired to paint a Chaos Marine army for next year's OWAC.

  6. The tanks look brutal, great work

  7. Now that is a scary looking force! You've manage to tie the classic and modern aesthetics together really well

  8. Good grief - tank upon tank! Cannot fault it!


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