Monday, May 9, 2022

MAY...Tom's Space Orks (R&F month 4 of 4) (177 points)

This month is the month I have kinda planed for. 
Every OWAC month previously I have painted a vehicle and now this month sees them posted, and me grabbing a sneaky few weeks rest to recharge the painting mojo :)
For this reason I've switched this month back to a Rank and File month, and save my Wildcard for the finale :)

Anyhow, wasting no more time, here's a fabulous Scorcha!

I'm very pleased I've managed to paint this beast 👆, it's a very long vehicle! The wartrak is pinned to the base, and so are the wheels of the towed fuel tank, hopefully negating the need to pin these two parts together. To do this I glued the wartrak to the base, and then drilled and added the pins AFTER. Same with the fuel tank. The only thing I regret not doing, is that I haven't pinned the little grot on the back in place. He's already fallen offf multiple times...

Following the scorcha, here are three war buggies:

Buggy with multi melta.

Initially I started painting these with a red chassis, but after a month or so of no painting action, I re-painted it black and added the metallic vibe. Progress was a lot quicker and more enjoyable after that switcharoo!

Like the scorcha, all these buggies are pinned via their wheels to the base. I think some of the gunners are pinned into the chassis, all of the heavy weapons are pinned into their mountings, and I think two of the drivers are pinned into their chair -  this was done by lightly gluing them first and then drilling up through the chassis into the drivers rear, and the gunners foot. Pins put in place, and then they are re-glued into position after painting.

This buggy sports a white panel, which has obviously been 'borrowed' from elsewhere. At least that's what I tell myself - I've no idea why I painted it white, it just kinda 'fit'.

Buggy with Heavy Plasma

This buggy was the first one I completed painting. 
(It was painted all red, with an aim for the others to follow suite, but in the end I switched up their colouration for that variation yo).

Buggy with Twin Heavy Boltas.

This buggy I will not claim points for as the vehicle had a basecoat of red before starting the challenge (it was a model just started and then left at the end of last years OWAC, and as such was a bit of a painting sticking point for me, having been looking at it for nearly the best part of a year! Although the red had been undercoated, this was the last of these vehicles that I completed, but I think it might well be my favourite now). 

The crew were blank though, and I will claim the two 2 model count for painting them please!



This lovely model is produced by Ramshackle Games - sold as a Boom Wagon, but visually based on the Epic scale Spleenrippa.

I'll count this as an EXTRA (so no points).


Back in the day, orks (specifically bloodaxe's, if my memory serves correctly) could purchase/requisition Imperial Robots (the one pictured here most likely representing the Katafrakt variant with its flamer, lascannon and bolta), but any Mek worth their salt could make their own robots - up to four - for remote control use. 
Unfortunately the models that represent the wonders that are the tinbots, are way too expensive for me but I still keep a weather eye out!

This Imperial one though was available through Satyr Studios for a short time at least, and I was very fortunate to pick one up later through Jason Lye and his lovely store at ye_alchemist.

I could use this as a stand in dreadnaught too I guess, but for now it goes in the EXTRA pile, so nil point.

And now to round up the figure count I painted this Ork Musician.
After painting, I kinda think that his 'drum' is a Space Marine helmet?
Anyhow, this model is a fan sculpt of Braglub - pictured here, courtesy of solegends. Also leadplague has posted about him on their blog. Check out their AWESOME RT Ork army. It is magnifique.

Also this grot will boost the grot numbers up to five so far. Technically I suppose this particular runt is an assistant, but he'll be used here as a regular piece of cannon fodder:

50...Buggy with Heavy Plasma
FREE...Buggy with Twin Heavy Boltas (already basecoated, so no points)
65...Buggy with Multimelta
FREE...Battlewagon (I am costing this as an EXTRA) 
FREE...Robot (Also costed as an EXTRA)
Total: 177


  1. These Buggies are aces, always loved seeing these on the table - top-notch work.

    1. Thank you! Hopefully the pins will keep them in place for at least one game!

  2. Great job on the Scorcha! Looks like a lot of work to bring things together.
    Got to admit that the buggies are some of my favourite RT models and these look fantastic!

    1. Cheers! I'm super grateful that the motivations seemed to be strong when painting it. I have a horrible tendency to run out of steam, and then leave half painted projects for ever. Thankfully, painting these models bit by bit through the months worked like a charm :)

  3. Holy Cr*p! Your excellent output each month amazes me. And I have always loved the humorous ork models. Looking forward to the Wildcard!

    1. Thanks Lissanne! Fingers crossed the wildcard won't be a mulligan 😂

  4. Aaaaa everything here is so excellent, I can't pick a favourite.

  5. Super-excellent work! I really like colors and the way you painted those guys

  6. All these Orky vehicles look fab - I can't help be confuddled with your dislike of painting the warbikes! :p

    Two Oldhammer fansculpt touch points in the Drewbot, and the Boom-Wagon from Ramshackle. Nice Extras if you can get 'em! :p

    1. Cheers! Yeah, the warbike seems to be a super sticking point for me. I shall endeavour to paint at least one more before the end of the challenge!

  7. Stunning work! Colourful, tons of lovely detail and so Orky! Love the buggies but the book wagon and the superb robot steal the show!

  8. Oh god the amount of win we have here..

    1. 😂 Cheers! I just hope I can wrap up the last month without stumbling and falling into that Field of Bones! I'm pretty sure I can hit the 100 or so points needed, but never say never....

  9. Incredible work!!!!! So colorfull.

    1. Thank you! I kinda wish I had mixed more colours in - red for the skin shadows etc, but this is a nice compromise between colour and actually finishing. I've no idea how you manage to knock out your fabulous paints in time!

  10. Once again, feeling humbled by the scope an quality of your work. Amazing as always!

    1. Orks are not flamingo riding skeletons - your army is an absolute joy, I'm looking forward to seeing them all together! Thanks for the kind words :)

  11. Amazing work! Were can I get my hand on the ork drummer fan sculpt?


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