Thursday, December 29, 2022

Jaakko's Introduction - Slargash the Defiler and his Evil Entourage

The screams of fleeing peasants, smell of burning flesh and warming his hands in the flames of blazing farmhouses were usually enough to make Slargash smile. Not today. For some reason he was feeling more empty than usual - a nagging feeling had been bothering him for a long time now. He had been running this band of chaotic beings for some time now and had hoped it to be a bit more colourful. A lot more colourful to be more truthful.


Slargash had been waving his little souvenir skull and flexing his arms for some time now to get some attention from The Great Painter. While literal armies of dwarves and undead had been coloured, he had to settle with a lousy white undercoat. He felt miserable. The only comfort was that his warband had it even worse, many of them were still in bits!


Slargash made up his mind. He had heard of an arduous six-month long ritual that could solve everything for good. With the help of the Mad Spell twins (what kind of a mother names both of her twin daughters Quel’lequeck?) he will go for it. They had read signs from the bowels of a freshly opened peasant and they were auspicious. On the first light of the first day of the new year it will all begin. The Great Painter will be summoned!


You are warmly welcomed to follow the epic efforts of Slargash the Defiler and the Quel ’lequeck Mad Spell twins on a quest to have their chaotic army painted. Will they have the endurance to continue the ritual for the whole six months? Will they need a breather, or will wild card month be the most epic of them all?



And hello from me too! I’m Jaakko, a first-time Old World Army Challenger. I have been following the challengers of previous years with awe and finally had the courage to join in. I have been painting and collecting miniatures for a few decades already, but it took a Covid lockdown to actually finish painting an army. Increased hobby time felt really good and balancing and so I try to paint a bit daily at the moment.

My project will be a Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3ed Chaos army. The miniatures I have collected to the project (so far) consists of a body of actually old models reinforced with old school ones from present day manufacturers. I have prepped the following for this challenge:


Character models:

-Slargash the Defiler, lvl 20 sorcerer, 240 pts

-Quel’lequeck Mad Spell x2, lvl 10 sorcerers, 170 pts


Rank and file:

-12 Thugs, 112 pts

-6 Thug horse, 140 pts

-10 Marauders, 390 pts

-10+5 Marauders on horse, 450 + 225 pts

-16 Chaos Warriors, 1258 pts

-2 Beastmasters with 8 chaos hounds, 214 pts

-9 Minotaurs, 360 pts


Wild card:

-Chaos war altar, 66 pts


Total points for all these would be around 3500 points. I have been collecting the army for a while now and decided to prep the whole bunch. The cavalry units and warriors make me a bit nervous as I expect them to be more laborious. If I stay consistent for the whole six months I think it's doable and I will do my best to finish them all.


Slargash has acquired (all the way from the Tilean Evil Bay) a classic ghost as an offering to the Benevolent Overlord. The Ghost will be banished as the essential ethereal component required to initiate the ritual.

Tune in for the second episode to hear how The Ghost was coloured and what happens next!

Overlord note : The Overlord was in a giving mood so allowed Jaako's to show off his offering with his January post, as Ebay shipping delays were not kind to our new challenger.


  1. That's a nice selection of minis you have there. Good luck with the challenge!

    1. Thanks, my hands are itching to start already!

  2. I hope Slargash understands the terrible power he is about to unleash...

    1. True, combining the power of three sorcerers while doing so might prove risky...

  3. I wish Slargash the best of luck (and hope to face him on the battlefield)!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks! Slargash accepts the challenge, but don't expect to see much of me in the next half a year

  4. Congratulations of finally entering! Chaos is always a good choice. Good luck!

    1. Thank you! Entering the challenge and doing so with my chaotic minions feels right

  5. Great looking force, with some classic sculpts! Looking forward to seeing your progress!

    1. 🙏 I 'm a lover of classic sculpts too, I hope I can stitch them all into a group that looks uniform

  6. Wow, look at all those dogs and minotaurs! Cracking looking army - good luck with the paint!

  7. Welcome to the challenge. I look forward to seeing your work. Happy painting.

  8. That is a great host of gribbly horrors; can't wait.

    1. Thank you; I'm already shivering with anticipation

  9. Tervetuloa hulluuteen! That's a fearsome looking horde. Good luck and much perseverance. Looking forward to see your work.

    1. Kiitos ja kumarrus! (Täysi tohina jo päällä) Perseverance is really needed!

  10. Welcome aboard! 3rd Edition Chaos is one of the pillars of Oldhammer in my book, so I'm looking forward to this! :)

    1. Thank you! Chaos army has been a long standing dream of mine. It took years and two more or less finished army projects to gather the needed courage to start actually painting one.


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