Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Ian's Intro post - Mordheim

Hello everyone,

My name is Ian McMurray, I am from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I am French Canadian (yeah I know, McMurray…) so please be indulgent with my written prose.

OWAC V was my first time. I painted a small part of my goblin pile of shame for the challenge to add to my already existing goblin army. It was a great experience to challenge myself and share my work with all the participants and readers. I knew I had no chance to win but that was not my goal. I really enjoyed having a monthly task and stick to it, building a small army month after month. I think I did a decent job and was quite proud of it. I still didn’t find some time to play my first game in about 30 years though…

Of course, I wanted to enter OWAC VI and was frantically spending a ridiculous amount of money to acquire enough Big Hat Chaos Dwarfs (which I had absolutely none in June 2022) for this next challenge. That was before the Overlord decided that OWAC VI could be something different… So all those weird looking evil dwarfs will have to wait another year (more time to buy more, sadly) and my aim shifted to Mordheim, the city of the damned. I bought quite a nice amount of the original miniatures in the last 4-5 years and, more so, a complete box set of the game with all the original content.

I love Mordheim. I love the grimdark setting and lore. I love the art and stories in the books and supplements, the weird and disturbing characters. I am attract to the hopelessness and filthy destroyed streets of the damned city. Having a warband of a dozen of miniatures that can evolved, or get decimated, is very appalling and a complete change from the hundreds of goblins and undead I’ve been painting those last few years. So I am very excited to have the opportunity to paint 4 warbands for OWAC VI. Each month will be something new and will be a breath of fresh air compare to painting an army of repetitive miniatures. So here’s my goal for OWAC VI :


Each warband with their game’s point value will be described in details each month. For now, here are a few more pictures of each one.

Beastmen Warband

Possessed Warband

Skaven Warband

Witch Hunters Warband

There might be some changes or additions to each warband if I have time to paint more but that's about it. I will have a special character not showed on the pictures as my leader month (I have a few choices) and might try to do some scenery in my wildcard month.

Here's my offering to the Mighty Overlord. It will be delivered in person in May or June.

Good luck to all the OWAC VI participants.

Peace, love, health and fun for 2023.



  1. Are we gonna see the classic Mordheim terrain too?

    1. I just got my hands on a huge miniature lot two days ago with a lot of 4th edition army books... and all the content of the Mordheim box, including the cardboard terrain!

  2. Great set of miniatures. I do find those beastmen on all fours slightly... disturbing 😬, although I think I'm looking forward to seeing the Skaven warband painted up the most. good luck!

    1. Thank you! I don't know yet which warband I will paint first.

  3. Looks like a great project. I had thought of doing similar at one point but talked myself out of it. I refuse to regret it 😂

    1. You should had stick to it! It would have been great to compare our projects.

  4. I love Mordheim too! Great choice!

  5. Great eclectic mix of minis! Looking forward to seeing the Skaven painted up! 🐀 :-)

  6. Great selection of minis! A possessed warband frequents in my daydreams and am looking forward to see it painted

  7. Mordheim! One of the best GW games of all time. (mine are Undead, personally)

  8. Yes! Mordheim is the best. Great selection of minis also. Love your project (admittedly I too will delve into the city of the damned :-)). I am looking forward to follow and cheer your progress. Go team Mordheim!

  9. Nice selection of evil warbands, lots of foes for the witch hunters. It's also perfect with the dark theme of Mordheim. Intrigued to see them painted.

  10. I will be rooting for the Witch Hunters to take on all the chaos you have decided to paint.

  11. Welcome back! A great selection of minis and warbands to come. I'm looking forward to it :)


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