Wednesday, December 28, 2022

CopperOracle II. Introductory Post

My first OWAC was a blast and I have stepped back into the ring for another hit this year!
When I came across the OWAC my Bloodbath project was first thing that came to mind and although I settled last year on my Space Marine force ( a debt owed to my childhood self) this year I have taken a Fantasy Army

Bloodbath at Orc's Drift was my introduction into the Games Workshop universe and was a Warhammer Fantasy Battle Scenario supplement to the 2nd Edition rules.
Loosely based on the Zulu Wars and the battle of Rorke's Drift but with Orcs taking the place of the Zulus and an alliance of Elves, Dwarfs and men for the British.
I played this endlessly as a child, using the card counter armies and dreaming of being able to afford the Army Deal of everything for £90! 

Scroll ahead a few years (to 2015!) and I came across a very battered Guthrum Mane the Hill Giant. Restored and repainted I started to acquire all of the figures and build the buildings to bring the whole Campaign to life!

With each of the factions being divided into unit Command cards I have been working though various cards and decided to focus on the Orcs for this Challenge 

With one of the Orc units, the Vile Runes, already completed I have a painting scheme already planned

The Vile Rune Tribe

The whole collection with painted and unpainted units as well as some additional Orc War Machines

The F'yar Guard will be made up of converted Gudruk Bonechewer models from Rugluds Armoured Orcs 

52 figures including ten Hobhounds and a War Wyvern which will complete three Command Cards  with a planned breakdown

1. January  - Ten Severed Hand Orcs (Troop)
2. February  - Ten Hobhounds and Handler (Troop)
3. March - Ten Severed Hand Orcs (Troop)
4.April - Ten Severed Hand Orcs (Troop)
5. May - King F'yar and F'yarr Guard, Hagar Sheol (Leader)
6. ? 

For stretch goals I also have several Orc Warmachines, two Snotling Pump Wagons and two Balista's which I will try and add along the way and maybe a start on the last Orc Command Card (another 40 Orcs and two leaders!)

For this years Overlord Offering and token of esteem for all of his hard work, the theme was horror and I selected a classic Marauder Vampire. The figure had originally had some detail work on the chest plate but I removed it and added some dents, it looked more like an armoured plate it wore against stakes and now wore it with arrogant pride to show of how it had survived despite the attempts!  The pose had also inspired me to set him bursting out of a coffin.


  1. Great idea and a lovely collection of minis! Looking forward to this

    1. Thanks, I add a little bit every year to the painted pile but this should be a big boost!

  2. What a great project - my OWAC 4/5 army was a similar "debt owed to my childhood self." Very excited to see this come together!

    1. Thanks, this could set me up for next year as well finishing off the rest of the orcs or going for the Human and Elf forces

  3. So many great old models :) Did you ever see the somewhere the tea is getting cold blog about this?

    1. Yes, great blog and I revisit it regularly to keep me motived!

  4. Oueff, what a project! Good luck with it all!

  5. Is that a genuine Hagar Sheol I see there? I am really looking forward seeing this project progress.

    1. Yes, a genuine Hagar. It has been many years collecting all the originals and he was one of the last

  6. Lovely project! And is that a Wyvern I see there?

    1. Thanks, Yes. Original Ackland War Wyvern. Bigger than I thought it would be when i got and lovely detail

  7. Awesome project! Can't wait to see your progress. Good luck!

  8. Orc's Drift! I have these scenario books, and keep thinking that it would make a great OWAC project. Look forward to seeing them all ranked up.

    1. I am lucky to have the whole set as well, though once this is completed I thinking about going for the Magnificent Sven set

  9. Cool to see another attempt at getting finished the entire Bloo Bath campaign. Lots of cool selections for the orc forces. I myself also mixed different editions of orcs for the hordes. Wanting to see the F'yar guard conversions! Good luck

    1. Thanks, for the F'yer Guard I couldn't settle on the Orcs, especially with their armoured description. Hopefully these will look suitably impressive!

  10. What an awesome project to bring to life. I am looking forward to this.

  11. Great old-school orc collection. I like the colour scheme and looking forward to seeing them all painted!

    1. Thanks, the older long jawed Orcs are some of my favourite sculpts and the more Grimdark scheme works well with them

  12. Yesss! This is a proper Oldhammer project and no mistake! The idea to have the vamp bursting out of the coffin is great!

    1. Second Edition was where I started :) The coffin was one of those random inspirations, I was running out of time to get it done for the Introduction so obviously needed to up the base as well! lol


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