Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Mustafa’s intro post: They aren’t ogres!

 So, I assembled a load of plastic ogre fatties with the intention of making a mercenary contingent for this challenge.

Glued them all, affixed them to bases, and got rid of all the mould lines. I was good to go, ready to rock and roll!

And then I got a pile of Foundry metal skeletons in the post from Grove and the ogre plan went straight out the window!

The guy on the left will be my leader. He’s absolutely huge, like almost ogre size! He’s from the Pantheon of Chaos project I worked on years ago. The lovely lady on the right will be part of the ethereal host. She’s from the Of Gods and Mortals Celt range and will make a perfect wraith.

There’s all the undead goodness from Foundry. They all have a lovely old school feel to them, literally and figuratively. As soon as I held them I thought, I have to do a metal army. We’ve got a unit of guys with hand weapons, one with spears and armour, archers led by a ranger looking skellie, some hand weapon lads with some armour, and a handful of crossbows.

Finally, the monstrous host of two giant spiders and a swarm, courtesy to Seán and Doti of Katsina Minis.

It may not be a horde, but it’s comparable in size to the old Marauder Miniatures Undead allied contingent. I’ll be using the actual undead list rather than the allies one though as I do want to add those fat hairy spiders! In total it works out to around 730 points for all the rank and file stuff, 340ish for the monstrous host, and I’ve still yet to work out the points for the leader.

There are still some dark corners of the hobby room I’ve yet to fully explore, so there is a chance I may add a few more bits to the list. 


  1. Those Foundry skeletons are phenomenal. Looking forward to seeing this army grow!

  2. Another change in direction for this OWAC... Metal is definitely best, though, so it's a good decision. I'm not familiar with any of these miniatures so it'll be interesting to see them painted :)

  3. Ha - plot twist!
    Love a skeleton army, and I'm looking forward to seeing your progress - good luck!

  4. Ooh, those skeletons are great! Good decision!

  5. A lovely mix of old and new sculpts. Lovely to see Doti's spiders too.

  6. Looks like a good decision to make that last-minute pivot to the Skeletons. Curious to see what the Foundry Skeletons look like painted up. Good luck!

  7. Oooh, I love Ogres but these skelingtons are next-level. Can't wait to see what you do with the spiders!

  8. Warmonger skeletons look pretty cool. Nice selection and seems that they're easy to mix with old metal skeletons or the citadel plastic skeleton horde if you want to expand them in the future.

  9. I like this plan better. What a great selection of classic models. I used t stare at those Marauder Miniatures army pages for hours dreaming of being able to paint them up.

  10. You made the right choice. Really cool skellies always loved them as well as the possessed sword leader. Good luck!

  11. Skellies are much better than fatty ogres!!!!

  12. Gribbly undead you say? Yes please :)


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