
Monday, August 5, 2024

Tom's Chaos Renegades - Wrap up

So the final wrap up....
These are the all the pics of all the models painted over the last six months, and at the end of the post there's the usual links back through the blog posts if you (or, more likely, future me) want to find something specific , along with the revised army list and model countπŸ™ƒ. 

Anyway. Unfortunately I did not get everything I wanted done due to The House Move and also some personal stuff. 
Motivation dropped super low at times, but now as I'm writing this I am again becoming enthused (or infused) with the call of the Chaos, so hopefully there'll be a few more additions in the near future - namely fast attack! 
On the plus side, I am really happy with how these have come out. I have tried some different colour schemes, and painted some of my most daunting models (that Palanquin, or Greater Daemon for instance). I think, if I were to go back, I would add magnets to the base, to help with storing and moving them - before starting any painting. Lesson learnt for next time!

Aaaaanyway - on with pictures. Single models first, and group shots after. I took away the digital blue faded background and switched it out to an undistracting white. The white is a digital add, so that there are no shadows. I used the android app Digital Eraser to do this.


And one new doggo painted after July πŸ‘‡

Here's a new model painted in July! A toucan inspired Hook Horror (available from Knightmare Miniatures) πŸ‘‡


And now, the group shots: 


Nurgle 🐌

Khorne πŸ‘Ή

Slaanesh πŸ‘„

Leaders with 'pets'

OWAC VII in all its movement trayed glory!πŸ‘‡

All the non-GW produced models... Companies represented are : Knightmare Miniatures, Satyr Studio, BeQuest Miniatures, and Alternative Armies.

*Chaos intensifies*

Sisters are called to purge the Taint of Chaos in a nearby villageπŸ‘‡

A holy preacher finds themself beset by Evil most FoulπŸ‘‡

Deceit and Distraction are the bywords of Chaos. Sentries check out a malfunctioning botπŸ‘‡

Battle of the Closed Fist. Who does it better? There's only one way to find out! πŸ‘‡

And behold, the true might of the Chao Project! I was so enthused, that I painted up quite a few before the Challenge started proper :) Hopefully there'll be more added later (but I have said that before πŸ˜‚)

Anyhow, the army list hasn't changed from last month - you can click the June link below if you like...

Intro - army list: link
January - rank and file/Khorne: link
February - rank and file/Tzeentch: link
March - leaders: link
April - rank and file/Daemons: link
May - wildcard/terrain: link
June - rank and file/fillers: link

And with that, it's all done! 
Many thanks to all the OWAC challengers for providing amazing, motivating and inspirational content. Thanks especially to the Admin team - of which there are too many really to name, but they are each very appreciated. Special mention to Byron for filling the Overlords shoes!

Ultimate thanks to Iannick Martin, the founder and creator of this Challenge.

Hopefully - see youse next year!

May your brush never split πŸ‘ŠπŸ€˜



  1. Many thanks to Paul McFarlane for the Space Crusade marine pictures first in the Khorne section. Incredible painting - thank you!

    1. It's pretty incredible how well it fits into the Khorne faction

    2. No problem my dude. i'm glad you like him and that he fits in.

  2. It's nice to hear that the hobby motivation is coming back. It's pretty mad to include more or less everything that is Chaos into a single project, but somehow you managed to pull it off and the factions fit together surprisingly well even though they are distinctively different from each other. Great project!

  3. A stunning collection of models and an army that is at once chaotic and cohesive all at the same time (your strong basing game really helps this). Still no idea, seven months down the line, how you come up with or execute your colour schemes.

    1. Thank you - I really think that picking the initial 10 or so paints based on the Rick and Morty colours helped a lot!

  4. Kaleidoscopic chaos in truly eye/mouth watering colours! I always admire the vibrancy of your colours and this project has really let that shine through. So glad to hear you have got your painting mojo back and can't wait to see what you do next! :D

    1. Cheers sir. Always trying to get the colours to be super vibrant, but without actually really, truly, researching how to do it (nobody got time fo' that!). I really should take a leaf out of James' book and highlight all the way up to white on everything... There's always next time to practice a bit more!

  5. Vibrant colors for sure!!!! Not a Big fan of Rogue Trade miniatures but this OWAC changed my mind for sure. I love how the differents color scheme at the chaos factions work together

    1. Get away! Although I guess now the Wood Elves are complete, you'll be looking for a new army... Come on in - the waters lovely!

  6. I'm not sure I've ever seen anything quite like this, it is literal Chaos and yet all makes its own sort of sense. If we've learned anything this year, it is that we should not be afraid of colours, and that there is no wrong way to use them! Thanks for the lesson, for the lovely army, and for your company along the way.

    1. Ah, thank you! I feel the 'limited palette' went a long way towards the ease of unity between paint schemes ✨
      Now I've got to take a leaf out of James' book and highlight all the way up!

  7. Congratulations on pushing through the low points and finishing with such a fantastic collection! You know how much I love these Chaos models, and I don't know anyone else who quite does them justice like you. I'll be sure to keep this post bookmarked as a reference for any future Chaos projects - thanks for the inspiration, and can't wait to see what comes next!

    1. Well, right back at you! Cheers!
      I've really got to try and pop the highlights a bit more, so that's the aim for next year πŸ™‚. Yours bookmarked also - hopefully some more chaos will be added to yours soon! All the best πŸ‘Š
