Monday, August 14, 2023

JamesP Chaos Renegades of Khorne - FIN

So here we are at the end of it all…

I must say I am very pleased with the army as a whole. It was a joy to paint and I am hoping to get it on the table at the upcoming BOYL. It was difficult for me to get back into the swing of things after missing the last OWAC. I am happy I pushed myself though. It was a great help reading all the posts from the other participants and the work from this OWAC has been inspiring to say the least! I’m already planning my next OWAC project. I’m gonna need some Imperial Guard for next years BOYL.

Well done to everyone who finished!!

Till next time


  1. Congratulations! Did you get them on the table at BOYL? That would be worth extra Oldhammer points and no mistake! ;)

  2. Gorgeous paint scheme on a lovely collection of classics

  3. Absolutely loved the paint job on these - the white faces is class! Congratulations!

  4. A lot to love here! I'm a particular fan of your tanks! Huge congratulations on finishing, and getting them onto the table!

  5. You have every right to be pleased! I love a lot of things here but the dreadnought especially.
    Congrats on finishing!

  6. Congratulations! Cracking looking army with a load of classic figures. Hope they grace many battlefields in the future!


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