Monday, June 3, 2024

Chris Chaos Army - Month 5 Chaos Cultists - 227points

It's been a challenging month, with an unexpected family bereavement and the concomitant reduction in enthusiasm for all things.  That said I've managed to complete the Disciples of the Red Redemption - a unit I've wanted to paint for many years.  They have been speed painted and I quite like it although my more traditional style remains pretty quick.  The miniatures are very characterful and photograph well despite the age of the sculpts.

The army so far is a relatively small part of my combined 3rd edition chaos army but I'm very please with how it looks so far.

I've had to move my gaming table so will see how I can photograph the entire army next month.


  1. An old school look for a truly classic unit! Good job in what was obviously a difficult month. My condolences for your loss.

  2. Replies
    1. I also wanted to say that you painted the unit very nicely. I have a few of these cultists too and I agree with you, they are really good sculpts. I hope this project brings you some joy to help you through the difficult times

  3. Sorry for your loss. As minor as it may be a consolation you've done a great job on the cultists and I'm wildly jealous of them (and the army as a whole). Nearly there!

  4. The cultists make a sinister swarm, a great-looking unit. Sorry to hear things have been tough, best wishes

  5. Well done on completeing what must've been a super tough month. They look very good for speed painting though, and I like how distinctive, yet still part of, that great Chaos Host they are.

  6. Really Old schools vines on here!


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