Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Pokrzyw's Druchii - Month 5 - Leader on Monster - King on dragon (679+ pts)

" The true heir to the Phoenix throne on the mightiest beast"

Plans for May:

Another hard month. Plans were wide (3 big monsters, but finally finished only one).


  • war hydra (225)
  • dragon
  • morathi on dark pegasus


When I buy huge Druchii force Ultraforge dragon was one of the most impressive miniatures, although in bad condition. It is much better than GW regular dragons. I had also Malekith miniature. It looks to be as a good solution for Malekith on Seraphon for edition 6-7. 

Dragon was badly painted, lost some horns and claws. 

previous painting

22th of May was a day that miniature was assembled and primed

really black dragon - primed

I've chosen not paint typical black dragon highlighted to gray. I've tried to reach brown-red highlights with old iron armour. Palanquin painted with army colour - flat blue.

Final gallery:

Malekith on Dragon


Alternative sorcress - Mother of Dragons


Final results of the month:

  • Dreadlord on dragon (610+ pts)
  • Sorceress on foot (59+ pts )

TOTAL: 3738 pts (from start of OWAC 7)

Plans for June:

  • 12 black riders from Month 3
  • warhydra from Month 4
  • Morathi on pegasus from Month 4
  • cold one chariot as alternative for malekith
Bonus pictures - struggle of dragons:

The biggest GW dragon from old times and Ultraforge dragon.

Finally I received great miniature from Jaakko Mattila. Painted in colours of my druchii. It will be a hero. Thank You :o)


  1. Now that's a proper dragon! Great work!

  2. That is a fantastic job on the Ultraforge Dragon! (That High Elf one is gorgeous, too). I've also got a second hand one kicking around the place, and you've really made me want to get it out, repair it and use it in a project.

  3. Really nice work with the dragon! I looks fantastic and is a great centerpiece for the army!

    I'm glad that the dark elf finally found it's new home! I sent it a long time ago and was already a bit worried that it got lost on the way. I hope you find some use for it!

  4. Ooomph! That is a great job on a massive dragon in record time. Kudos for the restoration job too! :D

  5. Ultraforge Dragón + Malekith = win win!!!

  6. Oueff - size on that Dragon. Can't believe you started on the 22nd! Fantastic work!


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