Saturday, July 6, 2024

Ben's Eldar - OWAC VII - Wildcard Month

"Karhedron walked across the plain of ash.  All around Bonesingers in Wraithbone armour loomed from the twilight, their ornate helmets and baroque armour turning them into menacing spectral figures.  They stood over the bodies of the Eldar dead, singing the requiem for Fallen Heroes."

The final proper month, and a concluding quote from WD127 which was such inspiring reading when working on this challenge.

For this month's models, I finished off some I hadn't managed to fit in earlier -  a squad of  Swooping Hawks, another warlock (pictured above), plus Phoenix Lord Baharroth.  I converted the Swooping Hawks Exarch to make him look a bit different to the original which I've painted before, by rotating his head.  Baharroth was especially cool to complete, not just because the Phoenix Lords are all classic sculpts that are fun to paint, but also because it completed my accidentally-started mini-challenge of painting every Phoenix Lord:

June total: 444 pts

Baharroth - 161 pts
Warlock, Singing Spear - 76 pts
Exarch, Swooping Hawk Wings, Lasblaster - 95 pts
4 Swooping Hawks - 112 pts

For the wilder part of my wildcard month, I had planned to make some terrain out of a £5 toy spaceship and some Mantic crates.  First I smashed up the ship with a lumphammer, and stuck it to an MDF base:

I stuck on some pieces of plasticard and gems to give a smoother, more Eldar-looking upper surface, and hint at the pipes and structure between the hulls.  I used lots of no-more-nails type glue to fill gaps and give some different texture to areas where I imagined plates had been ripped from a wraithbone structure.  And I added some foam rock outcrops to fill some gaps and give some variety to the base:

I stuck sand to the base with a mixture of PVA and brown paint, and base-coated the ship with crimson, grey and beige spray paint:

Then I brushed and sponged on some more craft acrylics to get a fire-damaged appearance, picked out the crates with GW paints, and washed everything with watered-down black and brown craft paints.  I drybrushed the crates in lighter colours, then everything with light grey to pick out edges and make it look dusty:

Lastly, I used it as a backdrop to take a few more pictures - something fun to finish off with:

Congratulations to all fellow challengers and thanks for all the chat, pictures and stories!


  1. Nice finish :) I love how the wreckage scenery came out, the pictures with it as background are really atmospheric

  2. Swooping hawks are for me the most Eldarish unit in codex. I've never collected Eldars in 40k, but have couple old-fashioned swooping hawks painted.

  3. Yeah! This is great! Love the action shots in the new scenery. Great job all round and congratulations on your completed Phoenix Lord mini-challenge :D

  4. I love the terrain piece! Great use of an old toy and it works really nicely as a photo backdrop too

  5. Great work on these classic sculpts! Really beautiful.

    The crashed ship terrain is perfect as well. Would love to play a game over that!

  6. Brilliant terrain! And congratulations on the completion of your side-quest! 👊👌


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