Wednesday, July 3, 2024

James WRR’s Wildcard: Raise the Banner!

No army is complete without a standard to raise high above the maelstrom of battle.

And so, for my final month of miniature painting for OWAC VII, I made sure to paint up a degenerate iconward of the Dark Prince.

Behold! The bearer of the Rapturous Standard!

Now, hang on a tick, this fellow looks a bit different to his comrades in my Emperor’s Children army. That is, of course, because he’s a Second Edition Chaos Marine.

That’s right, this guy is from the far future of 1996!

It was always my plan to expand my Rogue Trader Emperor’s Children into a Second Edition army – and maybe even beyond – once I’d finish my core force. And this angry fellow is just the beginning of that.

Already in the pipeline for the coming months is a contingent of stinking, relentless Plague Marines, with accompanying Champions (these Champs graciously donated by Tom) and a foul Beast (sent over by Graeme).

These fellow will be painted in the same rippling, blue-black armour as my Emperor’s Children, but with fecund greens replacing garish pinks.

The goal is to, ultimately, end up with a proper Chaos force incorporating servants of each Chaos God. And who better to bring them together than the Big Bad Guy himself: Abaddon the Despoiler.

Obviously I’m yet to put a lick of paint on these models. But I promise you, if you stick with me, they’ll be painted up sometime in the coming months.

That is, if I don’t get distracted by my four potential Warhammer Fantasy Battle armies. Look, I’m embracing Chaos in many aspects of my hobby life at the moment, can you blame me?

And so, that’s the last proper model of my OWAC army finished! I really hope you’ve enjoyed following along.

But I’m STILL not done just yet. I’ve already bought a few bits and pieces to create an appropriate display board for the force. And a wrap-up post to share. Watch this space…

Until then, praise Slaanesh, and be excellent to one another.


  1. Yes, he looks suitably garish to be carrying the Icon for your force - great job! There is nothing more 2nd Edition than spiky ball cactus scenery so that looks spot on to me :)

    1. Thank you mate! I would have preferred a nice big cloth banner as a canvas for freehanding, but I'll leave that for my fantasy army ;)

  2. Congratulations on finishing your first OWAC! Your project has been a very interesting one to follow and the 2ed expansion sounds promising too. Some of your terrain pieces hinted that something like that might be expected

    1. Thanks a bunch! I'm glad you've enjoyed following along! Hopefully I can share some painted second-ed stuff soon

  3. Wonderful stuff to close out the last month. I'm really looking forward to your army pics, and I'll be closely following your progress with the additions to this army! 💪🔥


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