Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Nathan's Slann: 220 Pts

Well I've managed to meet the target for the first month at least. My approach to this has been a bit different than others as I haven't worked on whole units - what I have done is to do figures from different units so I wouldn't get bogged down painting similar figures. That is how I'm going to approach my painting each month and I'm reasonably confident it will work.

Anyway points wise this is what I have completed:

Troglodyte with hand weapon and shield - 40 points
Two lizardmen with double handed weapons - 48 points (24 each)
Giant spider - 45 points
Two venom tribes - 24 points (12 each)
Three spawn bands - 30 points (10 each - noting two of these don't have shields but the unit will count as all having them and the next batch will have more shields!)
One bull slann rider - 33 points
Total = 220 points.

Here they are:


  1. My that is really Old School! I didn't know most of the models to be honest! The Slann rider is my fav, I really like that shield too!

    1. I actually tried another shield but stuffed it up! That was my fallback which worked well enough with only a day to spare

  2. Really cool models and a great method to combat burnout. Perhaps I should have approached my Bretonnians that way. I'm too lazy to do the math though.

    1. I figured out upfront when doing a list that I would struggle painting one unit at a time. Slann are pretty varied too which helps combat painting fatigue. Even then I distracted myself by painting up three gnomes for Gnomevember!

  3. Interesting approach to fight painting fatigue. It will probably also contribute to the army looking more unified as a whole, due to shared painting elements and styles between units.

  4. Really nice! They remind me my attempt to have skink-only army in the 5th edition ;-)


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