Monday, February 26, 2018

Jeff's Dark Elves (356 Points)

February was a very good month for painting....
I had planned to paint 10 crossbowmen and a repeater bolt thrower; in the end I ended up with a dozen crossbowmen, 2 bolt throwers and 3 witch elves.

 I wasn't happy with the model I had for a standard bearer, so went searching through my dark elf stock.  I didn't find a better standard bearer, so I resorted to doing some conversion work on the standard bearer, but I discovered I only had two more crossbowmen, and decided to add them to the unit.

12 crossbowmen with standard (169 points)

I've gone with a darker scheme here, but kept the bright green to tie them in with the rest of the force.

I did some minor conversion work on the standard bearer and champion...The standard bearer got a new arm, I've also never been a fan of standard bearers with a shield and no weapon, so with some delicate x-acto work, the sword was taken from the new Necromunda Escher sprue and added.  The champion's sword's hilt ended flat with the top of is hand, (which would make it unwieldy at best) so I took a bit from a plastic chaos warrior's sword to finish the hilt.

I also pulled out my second bolt thrower and crew while I was going through the dark elf stock. I was making good progress so I went ahead and did them both. The older model came with 4 crewmen, even though the armies book only calls for two. I painted them all, which will give me the option to field them with an extra crewman each.  The bolt throwers are from the Kaine/Khorne faction of the force, and their paint scheme reflects this hopefully without being to heavy handed about it.

2 Repeater bolt throwers (116 points) & 2 extra crew (20 points) 

The first is the older one with it's 4 original crew
The second is a midhammer model with two crew.

I also managed to finish the last three witch elves with poisoned crossbows.

3 witchvelves (51 points)

Next month I'll be working on Mengil's Manhides, a unit of 20 warriors with hand weapons, light armor and shields.  Real life looks like it's going to be busy in March, so I'm already concerned about being able to get them finished on time...wish me luck!


  1. That mauve and green combo is great! Great month!!

  2. Very nice, way to churn through the points. ;)

  3. A great looking force this month, I particularly appreciate the crossbowmen unit

  4. The green and purple work really nicely to make the models pop. Never seen those witch elves before

  5. They look great Jeff. I really like the use of different versions of the repeater. I also like the patches of snow on the bases.

  6. I especially like those old witch elves.


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