Friday, December 28, 2018

Kenneth's Dark Elves (Lord Ruerhls reinforcements)

One year has already passed by and finally OWAC 2 has arrived and I'm part of the veteran squad. YEAH!

Enough bragging. This year I'm planning to enlarge Ruerhls host by another 1000 points (based on 4th edition) and all infantry. Finally some models that have been in my possession for far too long will receive the attention they deserve. A lot of models as you will see, so I hope to reach the finish and claim that second medal.

The force:
16 corsairs with additional weapon   208 pts
15 corsairs with additional weapon   195 pts
10 witch elves   120 pts
5 executioners   80 pts
20 warriors   200 pts
5 black guard   75 pts
9 harpies   135 pts
5 warriors with shield   55 pts
Ruerhl on foot (time depending)


  1. Looking forward to the boob...I mean Harpies! ;-)

  2. Makes me feel better to see that others are tackling high model count forces. Good luck

  3. Good luck with the Challenge mate!!!

  4. Cool looking minis. Did you base on rounds last year? I'm totally drawing a blank on how you based your stuff last year.

  5. What nipple colour schemes have you decided on? Looking forward to your progress :)


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