Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Jeff McC's Dark Elves - June (215 Points)

This one was down to the wire, but I made it. June included me retiring from the Navy, my eldest graduating from High School, selling one house, finding and buying another, and prepping the house for the movers who showed up on the 1st of July. Whew! Somewhere in all of that I got these done, though I'll admit, I was still applying paint on the 30th of June.

 5 Hell Drakes with Lances 
(43 points each)
 A little better view of the shields

I'm rather pleased with this unit, especially since I was questioning some of my color choices all the way through. I pushed outside my comfort zone with the orange and turquoise, but I think it came together in the end.  This is another of the Khorne/Khaine units in the army, and I wanted to stand them apart a bit from the more fanatically devoted units like the witch elves, and I think the orange and turquoise helped achieve that.  I was also pleased that I was able to find a friend willing to sell me the 4th lancer during the course of the challenge, allowing me to field an all marauder unit and leaving me enough riders with hand weapons on the earlier style of cold ones to  put together a unit of Doom Drakes later on. (OWAC 3?)

I've enjoyed this year's challenge; I find a deadline massively helpful for getting things done.  I'll show off the completed force in next month's summary post, so that just leaves one question at this point....Any oldhammerers in the Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN area?


  1. They look great. I really like the shields, and I think the orange/turquoise is inspired!

  2. Bloody hell mate! That is quite a month in anyone's book. Congratulations on all fronts! :D

  3. you really nailed that color scheme. well done!

  4. The colors work well and the figures look good. Congratulations on finishing them in such a busy month -- and congratulations on all of your non-painting accomplishments!


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