Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Nathan's 206 points of hobgoblins

Well I got there. During the last 6 months I had times when I didn’t think I would make it to be honest. Hobgoblins are fun to paint but with no cavalry I had to paint quite a few of them to get to 1000 points. Thankfully heroes and banners bolstered my points totals as I couldn’t have painted 1000 points of rank and file in 6 months. 12 months maybe. Anyway for June I finished:

- mercenary commander (the temple dog was done earlier) with light armour and a spear for 108 points
- 4 hobyars with light armour and double handed weapons for 40 points
- 7 mourngul renegades with shields, light armour and hand weapons for 56 points

So 206 points all up. I do need to add a shield to the commander at some stage. Going to be a pretty small one as there isn’t much room. Anyway here they are:


  1. Bravo sir! These Hobgoblins have really added an extra exotic twist to this year's challenge and I've loved seeing them each month :)

  2. Nice work. I think this was an excellent choice for this years challenge.

  3. Always thought it was odd that a Mongol inspired force would lack for cavalry. Good to see the temple dog in there, though!

    Looking forward to seeing the full army!

    1. It is a bit odd. Later editions did have wolf riders which fits in nicely. Problem for me though is I don’t like those figures. Too chunky and cartoony for me. I understand they are pretty collectable though

    2. I agree. I don't care for the later hobgoblins of the "big had" chaos dwarf era at all. (Don't care for the big hats themselves, either... But I'm an Oldhammer curmudgeon.) But I really do like the idea of hobgoblin cavalry in general.


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