Saturday, February 1, 2020

Dustin's Orcs of the New Year (203 points)

And so it begins...

After a bit of a slow start, I was able to finish my first dozen orcs, along with a nasty ol' C20 marsh troll for good measure. These guys were pretty fun to paint; nice and simple, but suitably menacing when ranked up.

The troll was a real treat, though. I've already opined on the C20 trolls elsewhere, and this guy might be my favorite of that bunch. I love the little details like the fish poking out of his net, pure character without going to extremes.

12 Orc Boyz with Halberds, Shields, Heavy Armor -- 138 points

1 Marsh Troll -- 65 points

Onward to February!


  1. These guys look wicked. The contrast between the subtle skin and the loud shields makes them really stand out.

  2. Very cool dudes. You really nailed the troll.

  3. Face shields FTW! Did you sculpt them?

  4. These are some of my favorite orc sculpts and you have done them justice. They look great. As for the troll...gonna have to get me one. It'll be hard to match your work though.

  5. These are great- especially the shields!

  6. Absolutely excellent. Those shields are bang on

  7. Super start! The variation in skin tones is great and the shields will really make the unit stand out on any battlefield.
    Got to agree with you on the C20 Trolls and your paint job really brings out the character and details.

  8. Cracking stuff! Lovely skin colour on the Troll and those face shields are proper old school :)


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