Monday, February 24, 2020

Ratwig's OWAC III Post 2: A Wizard, Skirmishers And A Big Bug (349 points)

For my second installment in OWAC III, I present a unit of 10 Dark Elf crossbows with level 5 champion, a Giant Scorpion and a Level 10 Wizard.

The crossbows will be used as skirmishers to support the unit of Shadows I painted in OWAC II. The champion will get magic projectiles of some kind so he can help remove pests.

Another bug. What can I say, I have painted one during each OWAC so far, so here is another. I still need to add two more to have the five required for an attached host of Giant Scorpions.

And finally, although not in my original plan for this challenge, I had to add a level 10 Dark Elf Wizard so I can actually bind a host of giant bugs to my army. So here is my first magic launcher.

So, another entry in, four more to go. Hope the Jack supplies last long enough...

Ratwig out.


  1. Cool unit! Do you only name your characters (and scorpions)?

  2. Looking good. I was tempted to paint Dark Elves for this challenge because they have been looking at me from the shelf with anticipation in their little unpainted eyes.

    1. Mine have been staring at me for decades now, that's why I signed up for this and will have most of them painted after this third challenge.

  3. Great work. I always loved the Scorpion.

    1. So do I. I have to find one more plus two sets of legs to complete the other one I have on hand to complete the five total needed.

  4. Excellent job, and I love the names on the bases.

    1. Names on bases are my weak attempt to follow Stillmania where he said to name all leaders. I just can't bring myself to coat them in gloss coat though...

  5. The scorpion with all those dots! And the dude with the arrows in his shield - good work sir!

    1. Thanks! The arrows just made it look like he had a reason to be holding his shield up like that.

  6. Great work! Nice, coherent look, even though the models are from very different ranges.
    The scorpion is really impressive - I'm going to steal that look and colour scheme

    1. Thanks. I didn't realize the difference between the pre-slotta and slotta base figs until I saw the pics. They seem to match better in person...

  7. Very nice. Arrows in the shield is a nice touch.

    1. Thanks. They were an after thought as I had already started painting the figs when I drilled the holes for the .51mm brass rod arrows.

  8. A...'host'... of Giant Scorpions... that is the stuff nightmares are made of!

    Beautiful paint jobs on some lovely old minis. Hats off to you sir :)

  9. Thanks much! The real ones I've dealt with make my skin crawl, so I had to have them in the army!


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