Thursday, December 31, 2020

(Just) John's Undead Introduction Post

Hello all. This is my first foray into the madness of the Old World Army Challenge so I decided to keep things simple. And then I changed my mind. And then I changed it again - well you get the idea. Too many ideas and not teough OWAC's! I finally decided on a small undead army and the nimmediately got carried away. When I went looking through the lead pile for undead figures I thought I would find a small enough selection to make life easy but no, it would appear that I have a lot of undead minis that I have no recollection of buying. Must be a necromancer at work somewhere in the attic.
Which brings me back to the chosen project. I have decided to base the force on the ones in the Terror of the Lichemaster and its sequel The Vengeance of the Lichemaster. Hereos were easy enough to choose as I have the originals (well 3 of the 4, see more below) First up is Krell who is described as a Mighty Hero in the scenario so I went with him being a Lvl 20 hero (105 points)
Next is Ranlac the Black, a champion in the original so I pointed him as a lvl 5 hero (30 points).
The final champion is the lieutenant of the dcaying zombie legion Mikeal Jacsen, another lvl 5 hero (30 points).
This brings me to Kemmler himself. It's a little known fact that the stories of Kemmler contain a very imnportantfalsehood, one that perpetuates the bias against people of a shorter stature. Turns out even necromancers and lichemaster are biased againast certain races (who would have thought it). I present to you therefore one of the rarer images of the true Heinrich Kemmler, former inhabitant of the Moot.
He is described as a level 4 necromancer in the scenarios so I went with a Lvl 20 Necromancer for this list (240 points). Thats a total of 405 points in villains. The figure requirements for the two scenarios work out at 40 skeletons and 20 zombies (Citadel really did have a problem between description, ie Legion and reality, ie 20 zombies). This is where I am going to cheat a bit. Your basic skeleton is 10 points but I have been trying to paint the Nightmare Legions figures since I first got them way back in the mists of time. They are also one of the few sets of figures I have that survived the 90s and 2000s beer cull. So step forward the Nightmare Legion as my skeletons. 2 units of 24 to be precise. At 10 points per skeleton and shield (+1), light armour (+2) and spears (+1) this works out at 356 points per unit.
Next up are the zombies. These figures are mainly the old ME range of Dead Men of Dunharrow - one of each of the variants with a few Kev Adams zombies thrown in to bring it up to 20 strong. Zombies are a whopping 4 points each! These guys are mainly armed with 2 hand weapons (1 point) and light armour (1 point) or a shield (1/2 point) so I reckon counting them all as 2 handed weapons with light armour makes for 120 points.
Finally the undead riders. I have a bunch of the original metal ones in front of me here but they look, well to be honest complicated. So I've decided to go with the plastic skeleton cavalry and as it turns out I have enough for the 10 strong unit. These are 21 points each with 5 having lances (+2 points) and 5 having spears (+1 point) for a grand total of 225 points.
Thats a grand total of 1462 points (I think). Wish me luck. My offering to appease his vile overlordishness, blessed be his vileness is a Heroquest Mummy.


  1. Welcome to the party!

    Looking forward to those classic sculpts!

    And thank you for the offering, I will find many good use for him

    1. Is now the right time to realise I don't seem to have any bleached bone paint?

  2. Here's some good luck wishes for you! I love the basing in your offering, and looking forward to watching this force come together :)

  3. A bit cheeky to ask but do your overly complicated cavalry include the scaly horse and would you be willing to part with it?

    1. I actually have 2 - one is complete and the other is missing his tail. Happy to let go of either, I'll just green stuff a tail first.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Cool, I've sent you an email.

  4. Great force and like your backstory. Looks like we have been inspired by similar sources! 😊 You have reanimated some really old classic bones - good luck and looking forward how your force turns out!

  5. I'm not usually a fan of undead, but I look forward to seeing what you do to them.


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