Sunday, May 1, 2022

Ian McMurray's Goblins - Night Goblin Unit (Rank and File 3 - 60 points)

"The darkest side of the night
Burns like a fire
For the wasted lives"

    Metropolis, The Darkest Side of the Night

In April I painted a unit of 20 Night Goblins with various weapons. They are 2 1/2 points each!!! I add 1/2 point because some of them have spear and/or shields. Almost a whole month of painting... for 60 points! Still no banner though! I hope I will be able to do all the banners in June. I love those Kev Adams sculpts (who doesn't?). They have so much details and characters. My painting skills didn't do them all the honour and old school feel they merit but I'm quite happy with my work. Here's some close-up of all of them:

Now the good news is that I only have 3 goblin fanatics left to paint and then no more goblins! Next month is 5 trolls and I can't wait to start on them! It will be a nice change from all those green skins.

Here's the army at the end of April:

  • Grom and Niblet in chariot: 257 points
  • 10 goblin wolf riders with bow: 100 points
  • 10 goblin wolf riders with spear and shield: 110 points
  • 2 goblin chariots with scythed wheels: 180 points 
  • 20 Night Goblins: 60 points

TOTAL: 707 points


  1. Oh, these are awesome! And they are so impressive as a group!

  2. I fully agree. Impressive view of the whole band!

  3. So cool! Love those tiny red nosies! 😊🤗

  4. They are brilliant models, and now even more great with paint! The noses are a lovely touch. 💪 work!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Fantastic group, this army is really coming together and makes me want to add a Night Goblin army to my wish list!

  7. It is all about the horde 😜. I remember being 12 and playing 4th édition. Nobody wanted to play goblins because for 20$, you could get a box of 10 chaos warriors, or a box of 10 goblins... Which barely had the point value of 1 chaos warrior! Anyway I really like what you did on those goblins, the amount of work is realy showing on the overall unit. A+ for the redish noses... They tend to beat each other out right?

  8. Very gobliny! The red noses work so well on these Kev Adams sculpts. The basing and movement tray really sets them in scene as well. A really great unit!

  9. Well done, expanding the horde

  10. These are so great! You've done these lovely models justice, emphasizing their mean character. The red noses are a great touch -adds a lot of character! Looking forward to the trolls.


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