Sunday, April 30, 2023

Jaeckel's Castle Wittgenstein - Rank and File month - The cannibals


Same crapy old models, but different unit: the cannibals of Wittgendorf. 

If most of the villagers suffer from various afflictions, some went a step further along the path of corruption, and turned towards cannibalism. Hidden in the abandoned temple of Sigmar, they have devoured the majority of the corpses in the crypt and in the graveyard. Now, they want more...

The ghoulish villagers are armed with clubs and bones, or any weapon they could find in the graves. In terms of game, I wanted to count them as Fleglers (flagellants), but they may in the end join the other villagers to form a block of useless Landesturm. We'll see...

In terms of miniatures, you'll recognize some villagers of the Citadel C46 range, two flagellants (one F2 Fighter and one MM65 Marauder) and one F4 mercenary, slightly modified using bits and bones from ghouls and zombies sprues. 

In terms of painting, same colors as for the other villagers, except the red tones that I have reserved for the mouth and the hands of the cannibals.

I have also slightly adapted my "rock and moss" bases, picked some bits from these excellent zombies to give a more sinister look to the unit, with dug up graves and bodies removed, either eaten by the villagers or taken by Lady Magritte for her necromantic experiments. 

And now my last regiment for this army...

Butcher (C46)

Bolg (C46)

Simkin (F4)

Tom (C46)

Owd Roger (C46)

Allard (C46)


 Rear rank:


and front rank:

Next month should see some characters painted.


  1. What a great unit. LOVE how you add personality to these old miniatures

  2. Cannibals!? Very ghoulish and full of individuality!

    1. thanks Lissanne. Let's say half-ghoul, half-cannibal :)

  3. Characterful painting again, nice work! My favourite month so far

    1. thanks. happy to have found some use to these old models

  4. Ha! Awesome - I love all the bones scattered about. Top work, and looking forward to the horrors within next month!

    1. Yep... these plastic sprues provide a lot of helpful bits ;) see you next month!

  5. Every mini brimming with character and narrative! Absolutely loving this project!

    1. thanks George. This "death on the reik" scenario is a goldmine of good ideas!

  6. Grotesque but in quite a subtle way. Great work on elevating some humble peasants into art!

    1. Thanks. Too bad I'm running out of the poor guys, won't be able to paint the beggars living in the castle.

  7. Beautiful painting as always. Some of those old Citadel figures are among my favorites -- such unique characters that never appeared in later editions of the game that indtead focused on super-heroes.

    1. yup. that being said, I've recently seen wonderful conversions based on plastic zombies to re-make these civilians... showing significant improvement compared to some old scupts;

  8. What a beautiful, if grizzly unit! The mix of models and thematic basing really elevates these. Top work and awesome painting as always!


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