Sunday, April 30, 2023

Mariano´s Wood Elves - "Wildwood Rangers"

 Rank and File month #IV

Family pic

Fourth month complimented!!!

When Warhammer 8th edition was released I wasn´t very much interested on the rules/play/etc, and I even lost interest on the army books  (background/histories/etc) but one thing catched my attention, a new unit of elves with great axes!!! So I decided to convert some wood elves with spears in order to get some Wildwood rangers. The transformation was really easy, just swiched the top of the spears for the top of the White Lion axes...

Can we call it involution????

As it was impossible to fit all the in a unit, I had to paint a plastic sprite to have enough space for the champion of the unit. To make up for this, I added two extra sorcerers to this month list to complete the minimum of ten infatery miniatures (2x1 offer).

Current situation of the counting list:

5 Treekins --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 models

10 Waywatchers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 models

10 Scouts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 models

9 Wildwood rangers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 models

2 Sorcerers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 models

Time to show you some pics:

Hope you like them...

The end is quite close and now it is possible I will have some extra time so maybe, just maybe, I´m going to change my list adding a surprise I wasnt sure I will be able to paint it in this challenge. But for next month expect something big, green and with wings for the Leader month.

Have a nice month (of painting).


  1. Wow! Your miniatures are superb! This will be an awesome army! Can't wait to see all of it!

  2. I've long run out of superlatives for these Wood Elves. You should be playing WH40k with them, because they are on another planet!

  3. The colours on your NMMs have always been crazy. But on these large blades, it's even more striking! congratulations for these not-so-green wood elves :)

  4. Beautiful. Also a cool idea and execution with the standard

  5. These are phenomenal. The shades on the standard and blades are beyond belief.

  6. Ow - I think I just cut an eye looking at those blades. They're sharp!
    I love the sprite 💚

  7. Coolest elves I've seen in a long time

  8. Great concept & adaptation of new & old. The axe heads are masterfully painted, and I really like that standard/icon!

  9. Your paintwork truly conjures the fantastical - your NMM are just amazing!


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