Saturday, May 4, 2024

Chris' Chaos Army - Month 4 - More Chaos Warriors - 1554 points

 It's been difficult month, and a similar unit to last month so has been a challenge to finish on time.  Another 20 chaos warriors, mostly metal and around half the of them the original Goodwin sculpts.  This time with a standard bearer that I have knocked over in every painting session.  

Very pleased with how the entire force looks so far.  Next unit will be chaos cultists from the original regiments or renown range.


  1. That's very impressive output for a difficult month. Disciples of the Red Redemption are really nice sculpts, looking forward to them!

  2. Awesome work as always Chris - putting the 'Horde' into Chaos Horde !

  3. Nice, I appreciate different metallic used to include some chaos in ranks.

  4. You've already inspired me to search out my own Warriors from this era for a future project. The mix of colours in the regiments is great, I love that balance between uniformity and variety!

  5. Another great looking unit of warriors. I love the old school mixed Chaos look rather than the specific Chaos God approach, and you're getting it just right for me.

  6. Difficult month still seems to have been incredibly productive. Great achievement to get those out in a single month. They look spot on.

  7. Love your colouring- great looking army!


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