Monday, June 3, 2024

PaulM - Mórr's Wild Hunt (389 pts) - Leaders...accidentally

Never rains but it bloody pours doesn't it?

I had a smashing start to May, getting 5, out of a planned 11, Dryads and a Character complete within the first week...and then the wheels sort of fell off. Work, and the sunny weather meaning I was spending my weekends with my, urgh, children doing, double-urgh, activities, killed progress in the middle of the month. Not a problem thinks I, I've got the Bank Holiday weekend, weather's bound to be shit then it's tradition! Well, I got the weather forecasting correct but unfortunately failed to forsee the bloody flu that laid me low for nearly a week. To then top it all off I'm flying off on holiday on the 28th so losing a few days at the back end too. 

So, far from getting the Dryads and that damnable Mantree finished this month like I planned I've had to make a quick pivot to my Leaders month. 

With that I present:

No-Mórr (Mórr's half-brother) - Wood Elf General - 160pts

Scarloc - Scout Champion - 54pts

The Wizened Ones 2 - Arboreal Boogaloo - 175pts

I had also planned to add this chap in last minute; the newest model in the army by far, complete with awful greenstuff leaves added by 14 year old me in 2001 when he came out, but I only got an hour or so on him on Monday before SWIMBO reminded me I'd not packed my bags:



  1. "Pivot" is THE word of 2024 in this house, so this definitely resonates with me after a very similar month by the sounds of things! Top marks for getting over the line and producing some great looking leaders. I like Scarlok's white bow in particular, and can see how it ties him to the rest of your army, and I like the way the neutral colours on the general let that Olive Green pop out enough to work with the red and gold.

    1. Thank you. I feel 'just scraping through' has been a running theme through both my OWACs but at least I'm confident in crossing the line next month (even if it is only having done the bare minimum).

      Did feel that I needed to add that pop of red to both characters to tie them in with the rest. I was going to give my ersatz general a red stripe across his eyes but felt that I quite liked what I'd done with his face and didn't want to ruin it! I will be adding some basic war paint to the mage.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The pivot was clearly a good idea and you managed to paint two very fine leaders. Good luck in the final push!

  4. Exactly the sort of emergencies that Leader month is there for, it turned out all right again in the end :)

  5. Solid leader month. Good to see driads in old aestethic.

  6. Those characters look really good, great colours and execution

  7. Great characters! I love the stance of the General

  8. Excellent stuff - I really like the super green used on the Dryads, and the green glow of the eyes on your Newest Model is 👌

  9. Go go Wood elves team!!! I really like them work on the dryads!


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