Saturday, June 8, 2024

Sybou - chaos army - month 5 - Rank and files n°4 - 350 points

 Hello to all fellow owacers, here is my humble publication for the month of May.

It 's a rank and files month, so necessary to finish two of my units, the beastmen and the dragon ogres.

Dragon ogres:

They gather 174 points. They are 2 and are ready to join their brethrens.

We have the classic dragon ogre that will be used as a champion. The other is pretty good with a sword.

An other angle

They both wear red armour and scales with some grey skins. That will make them match with my ogres.

The beastmen:

I still had to finish 16 beastmen to complete the 50 guys regiment. Here there are:

Four doggoes

Here, we have 2 Khorne beastmen with vicious warhammers. Then we have two beastmen from the C27 line made by Kev Adams: Shearmone and Bolbone!

Shearmon wears a part red part bony armor while Bolbone chose a completely red armor. Both have faces on their chest armor.

Bolbone is my favorite of the squad, with his little pointy helmet.

Four Broos

Some really classic sculpts from the Runequest line. One of them is a fierce rhinoceros with spear and shield.

Four really diverse goons

First we have a slug/ snake guy named "slug man" then from the C27 line, we have Bendle who receives a new knife, then a kind of lizard/ crocodile guy and Ruttrot a boar guy from C27.

Unique beasts and Blood priests

The unicorn broo who's really cool. I have a couple of the unicorn broos and thought of a campaign where a beast shaman poisoned the river of Athel Loren creating unicorn beastmen. The wood elves player having as a mission to root the beastmen from the forest and have bonus point if any unicorn beastmen is destroyed.
I have a Knightmare unicorn champion that could make a cool first levels boss.

Then 2 "blood priests" a cyclopean monkey with a sacrificial knife and "Half beast" that is really mutated. Like two faces guys, one side being mutant the other being more beastguy.

To finish we have a slaanesh beastman. At first, I didn't like the slaanesh beastmen but i changed my mind. I painted this one as a mixed between noble and SM bondage. The gold, the bony blade and pale skin contrast with the leather armor and boot.
I make his mouth really bloody.

The other face of "Half beast" and a zoom on the slaanesh guy

Here are a couple of photos of the whole batch of May. They're really colorful and look pretty good. I'm happy with the result and they should my last beastmen to paint. I still have many things to paint but I think these guys were my last beastmen.

I still have to do:
  • 1 Wizard on disk
  • 1 offering!
  • 1 Wildcard month

The wildcard will be a really old project, so it is not win yet for this year.

Good luck everyone for the last month of OWAC 2024!

Bye from the squad


  1. Great batch of beastly beastmen - you are doing a great job at bringing out their characters. The idea for the Unicorn Broo inspired campaign is brilliant - you should definitely play that!

    I also love that the original Bibby Dragon Ogre sculpt still outshines the later champion model to take the lead of your unit. That is exactly as it should be!

  2. What an amazing unit! I'm glad you included the Slaanesh beastman too, its paintjob is my favourite thusfar.

  3. I just love seeing all those classic beastmen and broo and so on getting painted, I think I'll never get bored of those minis.

    Nick Bibby doesn't seem to have been the most prolific of Citadel sculptors, but he gave us Dragon Ogres, Zoats and some incredible early Dragons, which I'm ever grateful for :)

  4. Cool models and paint job- and those Dragon Ogres!

  5. Love classic chaos models, so I love the unit. And the work on the ogre dragons...

  6. Absolute greatness in that unit! (And are you sure that's blood on the mouth, or some enticing Slaaneshie lipstick? Maybe they're one and the same!)
    I've a soft spot for the unicorns too, so your scenario is a cracking idea!


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