Sunday, July 7, 2024

JohnR's Month 6 - Leader and Retinue Month (269points)

Leader and retinue Month.

Another mixed bag of minis by various manufacturers this month (props to anyone who can name them all :).

They represent the leader of my little army for this challenge and her retinue. I decided against painting a mini to represent the Rogue Trader themselves - I couldn't find anything that looked the part - so my leader is Imperial Navy Light Lieutenant Beatrice Fairfoot.

Abhumans are uncommon in the Imperial Navy and rarely climb the ranks. That Fairfoot has achieved the rank of Light Lieutenant (assigned to lead dangerous missions to planetary surfaces) is testament to her skill and determination. She's pictured here with her pet dog Nelson and Sub-Lieutenant Hawke (left) and Ensign Koestler (right)

More command crew. Left to right: Assistant Sub Navigator 3rd Class Arun Shakar, Bosun Swales and Steersman Pickford. I went for a blue and white colour scheme across all of the ships personnel to give them a unified look and hopefully evoke a Royal Navy feel.

Astropaths Cayce (left) and Swanne (right). They're not Naval personnel but rather seconded to the fleet from the Adeptus Astra Telepathica for surface missions and long range communications. Consequently they wear the green robes of their office, rather than the blue and white of the fleet.

Finally a security detail to keep the officers safe. The troopers wear mesh armour and carry lasguns and are led by Sergeant Robotham who has a laspistol and refractor field (he's named after a distant uncle, who was also a sergeant in the marines).

I had hoped to add an Imperial Diplomat and his entourage too this month but time got away from me. No doubt they'll follow in a later OWAC :)

June Points

Lt. Fairfoot (squat minor hero) 63

laspistol and refractor field 2

Sub.Lt. Hawke 36

powersword and bolt pistol 8.5

carapace armour 1.5

Ensign Koestler 5

hand flamer flak armour 2.5

Navigator Shakar 7

mesh armour, laspistol 1.5

Swales and Pickford 10

mesh armour, autopistol, power axe 8.5

Cayce and Swanne 10

level 1 psykers, laspistols 85

Security Team 22

mesh Armour, lasguns 4.5

laspistol and refractor field 2



  1. What a great looking bunch! I'm going to decline the name-them-all challenge as once you wander away from Citadel minis I get a bit lost :)

  2. I love the inclusion of Lightfoot's little dog. It does a great job of emphasizing the scale of your command party :)

  3. I love the collection of miniatures you have done this month. I bet you were not bored painting with the variety. Great work.

  4. I absolutely love it! I spy a couple of BOYL specials in there with Lt. Lightfoot and the Null-steersman, and I recognise the old Citadel RT601 Navigator and Astropath, Ensign Koetler looks like an Old Imperial Army sculpt... but the others might escape me for now. Sub Lt Hawke looks like a fleet command officer but I can't quite place him.

    What a fun game and what a fantastic set of minis! They really capture how characterful and RT era Imperial Navy detachment could be. Love paint work work tying them all together. Top stuff :)

  5. Such an awesome collection of characterful models! Fairfoot is an obvious standout, not just for the feathered tricorn, but also the good boy on the base. Each model is perfectly selected, and painted super well. Congrats!

  6. Really super cool. Great models with great paintwork (love the white!) 🔥


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