Friday, August 9, 2024

Nathan’s Evil Dark Elf Army - wrap up post

Seven old world army challenge’s done and dusted. I know I’ve completed all of these - any others? Anyway I’ve spent July painting up some additional figures to include in my army which has been good as I managed to get them done. Exception being the crew for the chariot but the important thing for me was getting the chariot done itself. Enough crapping on from me - here are the figures including the Bryan Ansell inspired army pic:

Megadeth shirt circa 1988 and dodgy handbars moustache is appropriate for the wrap up post!

Unit of crossbows I painted up prior to the challenge

Temple Dog I did prior to the challenge - rider is new though

Last lot of cold one riders

The very rare dark elf chariot 

I have to note how happy I am painting all these figures, especially the chariot. The latter isn’t the best mini citadel ever did (the sculpting is pretty rough) but I still think the model is extremely cool. If only I could get my hands on the alternate crew which appear (from the pics on the net at least) to be far better than the crew that were sold with the chariot…



  1. Congratulations on a great looking force of Dark Elves and even more congratulations on being a 7 time OWAC veteran!! The chariot might not be your favourite sculpt but you have done a great job on it and it is an impressive piece to go with a proper old school Dark Elf Army! :D

  2. I don't think I've seen a painted example of the dark elf chariot before, it's quite a treat to see one and I like your colour choices.

  3. Well done on completing all 7 challenges, wow! It's so good to see that Chariot painted, along with a Temple Dog and all the other old school Dark Elves presented in Oldhammer glory. Megadeth shirt is a nice touch, too!

  4. 7 OWACs! What an achievement. Well done on doing it all again, with an awesome looking army


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