Saturday, February 8, 2025

Pablol - Imperial Guard - Month 1 - Rank & File

I started off pretty strong with a Chimera almost painted on the 10th of January. That's all I had originally planned for this month. Then about a week ago I thought I could paint a whole infantry unit that I hadn't even finished putting together. A lot of faffing about, building flagpoles, making molds to convert some models and suddenly there was only a few days left of the month.

Very last minute, but I made it.
Larger size photo 

Imperial Guard Squad 100pts
Sergeant: Power sword, Plasma pistol 10pts
Heavy weapon team: Heavy Bolter 10pts
Special weapon: Grenade launcher 10pts
Chimera 140pts
Total: 270pts

I only later on realized that my Chimera is a not an MK1 model, so I added some Hellhound armour plates on the turret for compensation. I also made a flagpole and flag similar to the ones in the 2nd edition codex. While I was rushing to get everything finished I totally forgot the Chimera Storm bolter and couldn't manage to finish it in time because I hadn't made a pintle mount for it. It'll be mounted by next month. Tank markings will also be added.

I didn't have quite enough Cawdor gangers so theres a few Catachans and a Bretonnian archer to fill the unit of 10. The heavy weapon also changed from my original plan.

For my tribute I painted an Aspiring Chaos Champion in Terminator armour.
Side view 

It is in the post on it's way to Slaaneshchild. Slaanesh models didn't get a lot of attention in the 2nd edition codex, but I think these Daemonette bits go pretty well together with the terminator armour. I hope it has a similar mid 90's vibe as my Imperial Guard models. I was close to putting this on a 40mm base, but I'm glad I sticked to the original 25mm.

Next month I will paint another tank and hopefully also another unit. I hope to have atleast one tank painted per month.

Good luck for next month!


  1. Fantastic start ! The chimera and the gangers fit perfectly all together ! Thank you so much for the offering, I do share your point, I play Slaanesh since I am 14 and I remember to be jealous from Khorne or Nurgle to have so much miniatures... I do love this conversion, it reminds me John Blanche's WB army featured in the Chaos Codex and it is also genuinely oldhammer with this RoC daemonette head. Very cool stuff !

    1. You're welcome! I've got a good bunch of 2nd edition chaos marines waiting to be painted as a Slaanesh army.

  2. This is a really strong start! The dashes of red and yellow really help make the unit feel like a red period IG unit alongside the Chimera. Very well executed.

    1. Thanks! I was a bit worried about the red, but it didnt end up too striking when the rest of the colour palette is broken colours. The yellow is actually ochre, but it looks much brighter next to the us military khaki.

  3. I love these! The Cawdor (and Cawdorish) guys make excellent Guard stand ins, and I really like the colour scheme you've chosen. Looking forward to seeing another tank each month, that'll be a treat :)

    1. Thanks, it's always a struggle having to commit to a colour scheme.

  4. I really like how you delt with your duplicates, going black and red, or red and black! Lovely contrasts!

  5. You have a really good looking and cohesive force here and the choice of models is perfect. I like your colour scheme a lot too. It's a nice balance between broken colours and the brighter red. What paint did you use for the blue-grey on the trousers, if you don't mind me asking?

    1. Thanks, I hope it stays cohesive throughout the challenge! Its vallejo model colour luftwaffe uniform 70.816 with light grey highlights. I've been mostly using just the vallejo model colour range and gw layer colours. I don't like the vallejo game colour consistencies, but i do use the game colour washes.

  6. Some lovely conversions, and a lovely paintjob - great stuff. I'm particularly fond of a yellow red fade on the plasma pistol!

    1. I needed to have that classic plasma look for the sergeant!


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