- The month of love -
This month has been so satisfying on a miniature collector perspective! And yes, for those following the Facebook thread, I will repeat myself again; I loooove this hobby!
I got to work on amazing models that I have hold on to for many years, with this idea to somehow tie them together in a demon themed project.
1 x Independent daemon prince - 810 pts
2 x Khornate chaos spawn - 200 pts
5 x Harpies - 75 pts
My harpies are actually Dragonmen by Grenadier 1985. These are magnific sculpts, note how even the back of the miniatures are unique! I got these 5 out of 3 different lots of mixed lead miniatures I bought from old D&D players. Overall, I never intended to built a unit of these, but I have to say that their design matches any demon or chaos army I can imagine. That is also why I painted their skin balor brown, a color I tend to use on many details across my chaos miniatures.
The Independant Daemon Prince is such an iconic miniature from these old chaos daemon series from Citadel; C29 Winged Fire Demon. The posture, and that face! I struggled a bit with the fire weapons, it really got me out of my confort zone. But now I want to try that effect again; c'est en forgeant qu'on ddvient forgeron!
As for the Khornate spawns, let me reassure, Scyla is next on the list as center piece of this unit, and after a quick review of the rules, I will need at least one handler to deal with these guys. So, here is the Clawed Fiend from the Dark Eldar range, it was an instant buy for me back in the days when it was released. In my mind it always screamed Khorne, I simply needed to add brass bracelets to give him a "heavier" look.
And finaly, an ogre gorger with added metal collar from the modern juggernauts. Once again, no extensive modification, the posture and the aggressive look were matching the theme, but the paint choice was important to tie these big guys together... and it is the actual colors I plan to use on the flesh hounds, simply to have them match the beasts of the same rank.
Good job Nicolas ! I like the variety of your miniatures !
ReplyDeleteGreat range of models! I look forward to seeing the whole army
ReplyDeleteI love your winged fire demon! It's a great figure and looks fantastic. I like the leathery wings especially