Monday, October 30, 2017

Brennan's Orcs and Gobbo Intro Post


Brief bio, I started with Ral Partha and Battle System 2nd edition, before gravitating toward GW games. My focus had always been more on the 40k side, primarily Space Marine and Adepts Titanicus, until later on when fantasy drew me in.

The third edition of Warhammer is special. The armies are developing toward what they would be in Middlehammer and the game has a feeling of being slightly unhinged. That feeling is what drew me into Rogue Trader so very long ago.

Orcs & some Wolves goblins
I’ve decided to go Orcs and Gobbo and paint up the core of the army. As you can see in the pictures, it’s really just a mass of lead getting read for the paint. The army list is below. We generally conform to the guidelines in Warhammer Armies, in my gaming group, so this is the beginning of a variable 3k list.

24 Gobbos w/ shield mus & st - 91
24 stikkas w/ mus & st - 91
20 Boys w/ halberd mus & st - 231
20 Arrer boys w/ light armor shield mus & st - 231
4 Goblin fanatics - 120
2 Trolls- 130
10 Wolf boys w short bow - 100
Level 10 orc- 66
Level 5 gob shaman -45


  1. Sounds good. You've got some nice figures in that army, I see many that I have in mine. A man of true taste.

    1. Ahh thanks for that. I love the well cultivated army.

  2. Love the Marauder goblins! Great list

    1. Thanks and I make it to round two I'll try to do some catch up with the kev's gobs like you've got.

  3. Nice list! Good to see Rugluds getting a run out. That's going to make me want to paint mine which are sitting (im)patiently in a box atm.

    1. Yeah, it was shame that made me get mine out... Years and years in the box...

  4. excellent looking little force there! Good Luck!

  5. Thanks! And to you! I have no idea what it would kill in a fight, lotsa s3 there, but it's be fun to try!


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