Sunday, October 29, 2017

Mustafa's Chaos Dwarves

Why I like Chaos Dwarves by Mustafa Bekir, aged 39 and 2 months.

Chaos Dwarves are short and so am I.

Chaos Dwarves are stocky and so am I.

Chaos dwarfs have large bellies and so do I.

Chaos Dwarves have beards and so do I.

Chaos Dwarves wear lots of armour, and I like painting armour.

Thank you.

Now, some of the more eagle eyes amongst you may have noticed that there are quite a few Space Marines in the picture next to my Chaos Dwarves. There is a reason for this.

I love the old 1980s Chaos Dwarves, especially the Marauder ones, but an army of them is a bit beyond my hobby budget. Chris at Macrocosm however does a lovely range of reasonably priced Chaos Dwarves in that style. Fortunately for me he wanted me to paint his RT era Space Marine army, and was willing to pay me in short, hairy, evil miniatures :)

So, I shall (hopefully) be painting one unit from each army every month.


  1. I see I'm not the only one who sells my soul (and eyes and hands) for lead. Haven't seen a lot of Chaos Dwarves so looking forward to this.

    1. Cheers mate :)
      I’ve always had a soft spot for the little bastards, ever since I saw the Chais Dwarf Lords box set all those years ago.

  2. Mus’ painting will not disappoint. And I think that these are non-big hat style as well, my favourite flavour.

  3. Very cool. It's also awesome that you can barter your skills for lead. Sounds like a win-win.

  4. I’ll barter anything for lead. I have no morals and a very enlightened attitude to how I make use of my orifices.

  5. Looking forward to seeing another amazing Chaos Dwarf army. Glad to see the older models out as I started to late to grab any but do have a few good luck getting the rest you need!

    1. These have the look of the old ones, but they are pretty new actually. I grabbed these from Macrocosm Games.


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