Thursday, November 30, 2017

Nigel's Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!

Well, life has put a dent in my challenge already. I'm cashing in my mulligan on month 1.

Having lost my painted skullchucker in the Bermuda Triangle between my FLGS and the car, I was left with a new skullchucker to paint and few details to finish up with two days in hand.

Easy, right?

Haha! That is where work steps in. I am writing this to you on November 30th from work, where I am still stuck. Two hours left of painting, and no way to do it. Arsebiscuits.

At least next month's entry will be ready quick!!!!


  1. Arsebiscuits? Do they have those at Wegmans?

  2. You know there is a fair chance that missing skull bucket will turn up? Life is strange like that.

  3. Arrrgggghhhhh! Really hope you find your missing Skullchucker mate!


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