Monday, January 28, 2019

Andy's Insanity January Skaven Offering (232.5pts)

Hello and welcome to my January's offerings. I’d decided at the start of the challenge to paint as many Skaven slaves and clan rats as possible in the first month in order to to allow me time to meet the minimum requirements of a Skaven army. I’m painting my army to the 3rd edition WHFB description which is more of a muted dirty colour compared to the the garish bright schemes of the 4th and 5th edition. It’s challenging as the use of so many browns can quickly overwhelm the look of the miniatures

First up were the Skaven slaves, 19 troops and 1 lvl5 Hero with shields. They were really nice and quick to paint. I tried to augment the unit with as much variety as possible using different models and fur colours. (85 pts) 20/20 Salves completed.

Next we’re my first batch of Skaven Clan rats 11 troops, 1 Musician, 1 Standard Bearer with shields and spears accompanied by a  Lvl0 Hero. My aim is to get 4 regiments of 25 strong units each with a musician, champion and standard bearer but I’m struggling to source the appropriate models. In the mean time I’ve lumped then into one unit with different unit colours so can form new unit as and when I get them. (147.5pts) 14/50 Clan rats completed.

All models were based using fine grit sand and small cork pieces and the miniatures were given a black undercoat. I then dry brushed the models using silver than a generous wash of Nulin oil. I’m not a huge fan of the current offering of chainmail by Citadel and vilagio paints as they are far too dark. Next I blocked in the main fur area with various browns, greys and black and then applied shades and inks to pick up the recesses then lightly dry brushed. After that I picked out the details of the weapons, bags and pouches. Finally I did the skin, I wanted a good contrast to the dark paint scheme so used Ratkin flesh, Shade then picked out using elf flesh.

Total points 232.5


  1. Bufff!!!
    34 rats!!

  2. They look good. I love the variety of colors you've used on fur, clothing, etc. Very well painted especially given the quantity!

  3. Well done. 230pts of skaven is nothing to sneeze at. Very impressive

  4. Fantastic output! I really like the muted colours you picked

  5. As much as I despise Skaven in the game, the old models are iconic. I’m impressed with both the quantity and quality of what you painted this month. Great work!

  6. Machine!
    I'm looking forward to seeing this completed - it'll look impressive!

  7. And the award for most models painted in January goes to.......... You sir! Great job on all those rats

  8. Wonderful brushwork! I really like your basing style too.

  9. Kudos to you for putting out so many rats. Looking good so far.

  10. What a great painting! I really dig your skavens. Can't wait to see more.

  11. You’ve managed to maintain a high quality of painting while painting a shed load of minis!

    Amazing mate.

  12. Wow! Brilliant quality for that level of output. I love how dark and menacing they are yet you've still managed to get some colour in there. Top work.

  13. Wow! So many figures! Great job and great panting!


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