Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Yosef's TROLLS and more TROLLS! (390 points)

So here is a small addition to my army 6 trolls. It was a joy to paint them, it was very easy to paint with a collection of shades, mostly greens and yellows. Personally it was easier that painting dwarfs.. I did just paint the bases, i tried to do a bit more complicated basing but i gave up on it quickly, maybe next time.

There is 6 trolls and that is 390 points.


  1. Lovely models, what years are they from never seen them before. Painting troll skin is a very tricky business. I have a vision but always fall short some how. I tried with washes but not shade. I have you ride using a glaze over the shade before?

  2. That’s an interesting collection of trolls. Nice work.


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