Sunday, January 6, 2019

Yosef's Trollish chaos army

So here comes a peculiar army, I really wanted to paint my 18 bog trolls I just purchased so I search in which army I could put them. At the end i decided chaos as they had no minimum. So here comes the maximum amount of trolls in the army, 10 for 650 points. 

As hero leader I chosed a chaos lord lvl25, a diginified chaos lord in his nurgle palaquin count as ( still undecided in using the real palaquin or the hilarious chaos toilet) and for the last 100 points it is 10 chaos dwarfs on heavy armor. if I have time I'll do also some 20 scibor chaos dwarfs as reinforcements and 8 other trolls i have available.

And why not to add some ally giant for those extra 250 points. with large banana for scale.


  1. That's a big giant! Looking forward to what you do with all these big fellows

  2. Beautiful Trolls!!!
    Good luck with the Challenge mate!!!

  3. Those trolls are great! This is going to be a really nice army!

  4. Excellent use of a banana for scale :)


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