Saturday, February 2, 2019

Bulldog Lopez's Dead 'Ard Chaos Warriors (296 pts)

Burn The Old World!

Well here we go again! This time around I chose a much smaller force to paint, not because i'm lazy but because I'm extremely lazy. But really folks, I already had a small band of Chaos Warriors painted up but they were all black and I thought it the regiment looked super boring, so I stripped them and started over. One thing I want to do with this force is take my time with each figure and really try and make each one stand out as an individual. It makes for a small force, but it's the Chaos Warband we deserve.

I didn't really aim to paint each of the Warriors up aligned to any particular Chaos power, but there are a few that either have iconography sculpted onto the figures or they just scream out to be painted up for a specific Chaos god.

First up is this red guy. He's probably supposed to be a Khorne figure, but I didn't go into it with that in mind. I just though he would look cool in red.

Next up is this dark green fella. The paint scheme reminds me of some super old school Chaos Warrior art. I painted his widdle feets purple because I though it looked weird.

Third one up is this scary dude in all black armor. I really enjoyed building up the highlight on this figure and got to have some fun with the exotic fur patter on his crest and boots. There are some weird ass animals up in the wastes, buddy.

Finally  this eerie, shiny green guy. Some of you remember I used lots of colored metallics on my Dark Elf army last year. Something about this dude reminded me of that 90's cartoon "Visionaries" and I thought the metallic green really gave him a great otherworldly feel.

Well, that's it. Just the four! I really enjoyed spending more time painting these than I would have if I had to knock out 15 or 20 a month. I think once all 15 Chaos Warriors are painted and ranked up together, they are going to be very striking on the table.

4x Chaos Warriors. Heavy Armor, Shield, Hand Weapon ........ 296 points

Thanks for looking!


  1. Lovely Mec! The red and black one are my favorites. Reminds me so much of another chaos army I’be seen b4. 🤔

  2. Love 'em! The red one with green horns especially!

  3. nice work, fam. Especially like the green guy with horns, too

  4. Looking good dude. I am looking forward to seeing your entire force on the table.

  5. I really like these models and you have done a great job with them!

  6. Nice work Lope. I think I like the metallic green one the best because I've never seen a CW like that before. Perhaps I lead a sheltered life. I like the use of skulls on the bases. I feel like I want to go buy the box o skulls right now.

  7. Would not have seen the Visionaries connection unless you mentioned it, but damn, you are right! :D

    I have the second chap in my own force and I think this might be the only time I can remember seeing him painted. Good job!


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