Monday, February 25, 2019

Qrab's Empire: Irregulars (175 points)

Hot on the heels of last month's elite unit of Reiksgard, for February I went to the opposite end of the social spectrum and painted a unit of Fleglers and a unit of Bergjaeger. Combined, the two units total 175 points. (Yes, this is 25 points fewer than the target, but my contribution for last month was 28 points over, so hopefully the Challenge Overlord will let it fly).  Note from the Overlord : We are magnanimous so we will do just that.

In a short month and with multiple weeks of work travel, there were times when I wasn't sure I'd get everything finished. Next month isn't looking much better, so I expect I'll have to use my mulligan. I've got some models set aside to work on, but I can't shake the feeling I won't get close to the monthly points target.

First up for February is a unit of 8 Fleglers with a standard & musician (110 points). While I have a bunch of the Marauder Flagellants, I find them just a little too big, so I've got other plans for them. Instead, Perry sculpts from 6th edition comprise the bulk of the unit, which is rounded out by one model from the F2 Fighters range and one that I'm pretty sure is from the Cleric range (couldn't find it on Stuff of Legends).

Here's a photo of the entire unit, followed by separate photos of the first & second rank.

Religious fanatics common in the Empire.

The front rank. 
The rear rank.
As much as I like the look of the Perry's Flagellants, they were somewhat difficult to paint. This is due to the lower legs/feet and hands being fairly crudely sculpted, which made it challenging to work around.

The other unit I painted this month consists of 5 Bergjaeger (75 points), who serve as Scouts in the Imperial army.
The Bergjaeger of Nuln.
With the exception of the dude in the middle, the models comprising this unit are from the C07 Rangers line. From left to right they are Poacher, Scout, Trapper, and Gamekeeper. So far, I haven't been able to identify the range to which the middle model belongs. The models in the Rangers line are all very characterful, and I was really looking forward to painting them. However, once I got working on them, it was impossible to not to notice how rough some of the details are. If it weren't for the Challenge, I probably would have stopped painting them in order to do some reconstruction of the dodgy spots.

On a side note, I had painted three of the five models back in the late 80s (Scout, Trapper, and Gamekeeper), and stripped them so I could give them updated paint jobs for the challenge. Before sending them to the chemical bath, I remembered to take a photo of the Scout and Trapper:

c.1988 paint job with gloss varnish.
Modern paint job, unvarnished.
And with that, February is finished. It was a rough month, and I salute all of my fellow challengers that were able to make it through without falling to the field of bones.


  1. Great painting and awesome models (the archer in the middle is a ranger of Ithilien from the Citadel LOTR range.

    1. Thanks for the compliment and thanks for identifying the model!

  2. Awesome models and great painting! I so feel you in the dodgy detail department! But in exchange the models have a lot of character!

    1. Thanks! Yes, these old models have tons of character despite how rough the sculpting and/or casting.

  3. You're right about the cleric. Check on this page, it seems that we can see a model very close to yours:

    And the unknown ranger comes from the Middle Earth range:

    Great units, by the way.

    1. Thanks! Awesome find on the cleric; I didn’t think to check the CCM site. I’ll remember that next time I get stumped. Thanks also fo the link to the LotR ranger.

  4. Great to see the 1988 vs 2019 painting. How painting has evolved. Really nice. Cheers

    1. Glad you liked the comparative photos. I hope to do more such comparisons as I go back & repaint the models of my youth.

  5. Cool looking models. I have a fair few of those flagellants lurking in the leadpile after winning a lot consisting of someones attempt to make a Witch Hunter army for 7th or 8th edition.

    1. They are very characterful sculpts, but I wish there were just a few more variations to break up the repetition in larger units. The feet aren’t sculpted so great (unnatural angles), so that’s something to pay attention tomwhen you base them.

  6. The earthly colours work really well with the basing, great job as usual Richard!

    1. Thank you. As I thought about how to paint the Fleglers, I figured their robes were made from unleashed cloth & don’t get washed very often. For the Bergjaeger, I wanted them to be in blacks, greens, and browns to help blend into the woods.

  7. They look great. It's interesting to see the evolution of the hobby - sculptors, casting, painters. Wonderful work on some classic figures

  8. Nice to see that there are no big scale creeps between the flagellants. I like the hunters too.

  9. You can't go wrong adding groups of fanatic loonies to your army! Excellent work!

  10. Wow, great work! I like especially the flagellant unit

  11. Beautiful work - and such characterful units. Bravo sir!


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