Sunday, March 31, 2019

AdamH's Brets - Pour la dame! (205 pts)

Are my terrible google translate titles hitting the mark?

I will be honest this month was really touch and go for me, I was painting literally up to the last minute, I’m sure the clocks going forward were to blame… but seriously I had a business trip that lost me a week and some house renovations that left me without a place to paint that wiped out another week. So it will probably surprise some of you to learn that model count wise this month is my highest so far!

However, before you get too excited, I was only able to paint so many models because 12/13 of them were basically the same model, and simple ones at that. I present to you my batch painted mono-pose archers:

You may notice that these guys have the same style as my previously posted mounted yeomen, this is to fit into the theme that I mentioned in a previous post; the peasants all coming from Bertrand Brigand’s band of happy guys. To this extent they all follow the same muted brown and green scheme seen on my yeomen.

These were one of the last mono-pose figures GW released and I think it shows in their design. I actually really like the models and being archers’ sort of fits their ridged pose. It would be nice to have a few other variations than the two but we can’t have everything. I’m thinking next month we may even see the unit’s name sake.

Next up we have the first of the characters, a damsel, or rules wise a level two wizard:

I’m thinking that all of the royalty in my force will have variations on blue and gold, starting with this lady. Sporting a deep blue dress with gold trim and white veil/cloak. I am planning to carry something similar over to the Grail Knights when I get onto them. I sort of ran out of time this month as mentioned above so she was painted in a day. There are a few things I am not 100% happy with so I may go back and touch it up at a later date.

This month I am submitting:

121 - Level 2 Wizard (i.e. Damsel) on Warhorse

84 – 12x Bergerac Bowmen

For a total of 205 points.

Finally, since we are now at the half-way point I thought it would be nice to show my progress so far. This is definitely the most progress I have ever made with an army in such a short period of time, the challenge is an excellent motivator and I am already planning a force for next year should I be invited back!

Please let me know what you think of my entry this month and if you have any tips for improvement.

-         AdamH


  1. Great work on the damsel, I love the palette you picked and her face is spot on

  2. I think the lady is wonderful and doesn't look rushed at all! Good work!

  3. Really nice painting. They re all coming along nicely.

  4. You did a great job! Especially considering your time/space constraints!

  5. fantastic work and you made those plastic guys look amazing

  6. Such a beautiful force. Your color choice on your bowman really go well with your Yowmen. I can’t wait to see more knights added. You are making me want to break out the models I have and start painting them.

  7. The same mole paint scheme used on the archers is very effective when viewed as a group and they really showcase the more brightly colored damsel and knights.

  8. Fantastic work this month, can't wait to see the finished army

  9. Force is looking great dude, really looking forwards to crushing these guys (and gal) with stone clubs

  10. Very nice, especially the damsel. I like the muted archers, and I think it will contrast nicely with the knights & characters.

    As far as the monopose minis, I still think those archers are very nice -- and I agree, a little more variation would be great. If they did four instead of just two, that would have been great.

  11. Amazing work! the damsel is perfect but I really like archers: the overall effect of the units is simply great. From the family picture it seems the warband is coming along very nicely.

  12. Quite beautiful! Your thoughtful approach to the colour scheme is really paying off :D


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