Sunday, March 31, 2019

Dustin’s Goblins - Beware the Red Eyes of March! (208 points)

After last month’s trolls, it’s back to the massed infantry. These scum are the start of my main block of Night Goblins, some Kev Adams classics from the early Nineties (plus a newer champion from Knightmare Games/Crooked Claw).

22 Night Goblins with Double-Handed Weapons, Shields, Standard Bearer, Musician — 96 points
2 Night Goblin Fanatics — 60 points
Night Goblin Boss with Double-Handed Weapon and Shield — 18 points
Night Goblin Big Boss with Shield — 34 points

I’ve had some of them since 1997 or so (better painted late than never). As I was attending Cold Wars in mid-March, I had a great motivation for getting these guys painted in time for some gaming with Airbornegrove26 and Blue in VT.

My ultimate plan is to expand this mob up to 40, and add some command figures to the mobs of stikkas I painted at the beginning of the challenge, so I know what I’ll be working on in April!


  1. Those fanatic sculpts are supercool! Great work on this goblin crowd!

  2. Great entry! The 4th edition goblins are just perfect

  3. Here I am working 96 points of Wood Elves (6 miniatures) and you are knocking out 22 Gobos for 96 points! Damn dude you are a machine!

  4. Wow! That's over 24 figs and they look great! How do you do it?

  5. Fantastic, the unit look great. I love that generation of gobs and you painted them wonderfully.

  6. These guys brought me in the hobby with the battle of Osterwald. Right now i m trying to re create the same kind of unit. Your painting is high standard too.

  7. Well painted! And a lot of them too!

  8. Wow, I’m impressed by the number of models you painted and the quality with which you painted them!

  9. I agree with the previous comments -- great work, especially considering the numbers painted!

  10. I love the fact that you have had some of these since '97! I'm still working on my High Elf army including plastic spearmen and archers from 1994 and it really is a special feeling when you finally see them painted after all these years :D


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