Monday, March 25, 2019

James' Bucket on Wheels - 203 Points

As they marched southwest toward the coast of the Great Ocean, Slange's horde came upon an old battlefield on the border of Bretonnia.  There wasn't too much left aside from some bodies and broken down chariots; skinny folk from Tiranoc must have decided to fight the grail-seekers here some time ago.  Sadly, there didn't appear to be any lion remains to work with.  Still, the budding necromancer saw enough materials to make it worth the time to stop and do some recruiting.

Everything was going well until he tried to raise the corpse of an old drummer.  The incantations caught in his throat midway through as he unexpectedly coughed, causing a minor miscast. The musician got to his feet, but he was stuck on repeat,  playing the Naggaroth national anthem, 'O, Khaineada', over and over.  Best to send that one away and be done with it.

March turned out to be a small model count month.  I spent most of the time on the chariot.  It's a solid chunk of metal and the crew have been swapped out in favor of a hero.  The crewman with the whip got painted up, but there was no good way to fit him in, so the hero will have to drive and stab at the same time.  The hero is supposed to be a lich king, but that would have blown the points sky high, so we'll call him a 30 point hero for the sake of the challenge.  He and the chariot are all from Alternative Armies' Undead line.

The mounted hero is a total hodge-podge.  His nightmare was in my bitz box for ages and goes to something else entirely.  The hero is a Citadel wight, and his shield is from my Foundry vikings.

As for the musician, he's being sent off to Canada to keep our beneficent overlord entertained.  

Pay the piper...with a drummer.

March Manifest

Chariot with scythes and a Lv 5 Hero - 138
Mounted Lv 5 Hero - 40
Offering to the Boss Man - 25
Total - 203 points


  1. They look great! The hero especially, I wouldn't have known it is a hodgepodge except that you said. Oh Khaineada, LOL!

  2. Bringing MOrely sculpts to re-life! LOL Looking good man!!!

  3. Love the lot, especially the chariot. Its gonna look great crossing the table.

  4. Awesome chariot, and great offering, he's gonna fit right in my army!

  5. back story for the drummer is hilarious

  6. So good James! That chariot and drummer came out looking outstanding. Keep up the good work my friend.

  7. Nice! I especially like the paint on the horses, nice and otherworldly.

  8. Nice job on all the models this month.

  9. The green hair on those black steeds really works! The mounted hero is a wonderful hodge podge :D


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