Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Anthony’s Troll-a-la-la la April Submission (220 pts)

Well, April's been a very taxing month due to work and personal life. Also, I've been pretty burned out painting-wise, and I was almost certain that I would be cashing in on my mulligan. I started these trolls last month, which is fortuitous since I don't think I would have been able to muster the motivation to start any model from scratch. Luckily, they are fun sculpts and there's not much in the way of technical expertise needed to paint these fellas. Most importantly, they are not greenskins so I at least get a break from painting green flesh for a month.

Here we have 3 trolls, coming in at 195 points total. These are probably my 3 favorite sculpts from the Bog Trolls range by Drew Williams.  Skin tones achieved by using the Andrea paint set for flesh (which I highly recommend, by the way)

As a further break from painting the greenskins, I experimented with a new rust recipe. I've had this fella primed black in the cabinet for a while, and since he was so heavily armored, he fit the bill perfectly. I also think that he will fit right in with Iannick's undead misfits, so he will be my OWAC tribute to our overlord (and +25pts to my points total for the month, methinks).

Until next time, happy painting (and please send any spare painting mojo my way, if you please).


  1. I love the trolls! I have 3 different sculpts and yes, they are easy and fun to paint!

  2. I'm feeling you on the taxing nature of April, I've also been battling burnout and a pretty relentless work/personal life schedule. Those trolls are looking wonderful though! Like something from Jim Henson's Creature Shop!

  3. The mid months of the Challenge are brutal; the early enthusiast is gone, and the payoff is still so far ahead...

    I really love the trolls, and that tribute figure is awesome! Thanks!

  4. April is always the roughest month for the challenge, way to overcome it and not take the mulligan. ;) They really turned out good!!!!

  5. Excellent paint work! The trolls have a lot of character.

  6. Some really sweet trolls, I m impressed by their sculpts and by your painting on them. If I didn't have more than enough of trolls I would have bought them after seeing your work.

  7. Excellent figures and paint job! I am glad my skin tone recip was useful ;-)

  8. An excellent break from painting green.


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