Monday, April 29, 2019

Jeff's Dark Elves - April (232 Points)

Ogres!  Yes, I know the title says Dark Elves, but what Dark Elf general wouldn't like some Ogre Mercenaries to soak up casualties? As an added bonus, if they all fall in combat, they don't have to be paid...

4 Ogre Mercenaries with Heavy Armor and Double Handed Weapons 
58 points each

I've a soft spot for the Ogres with the halberds, the one on the right with topper missing from his helmet is among the first miniatures I ever bought back in the 80s...I think his paint job's a little more flattering this time around. 😊

I tried to tie the Ogres into the Khornate faction within the army, without being so overt about it that they would look out of place in an army without ties to Chaos. (I do have plans to field them with my Empire and Orc & Goblin armies 😎). 

The Ogres all had casting issues, I cleaned them up as best I could, but I had to resort to turning some of it into "moss" on one of the shields.  Anyhow, I hope you like them.


  1. Love the ogres. I have a unit of 14 (so far) in the works right now.

  2. Love the ogres! They paint up so well! Are they Golfag's? Because I have a bunch of those downstairs...

    1. The two with maces are troopers from the 1985 Golfag's Other Mercenary Ogres (RR8 v2). The ogres with the halberds are the Ogre Champion from the BC2 Monster Starter set which also came out in 1985.

  3. Got to love a large model month :) nice work!

    1. (Large as in size. As in - they're big models). Anyone got a later out of this hole?
      Ha, anyhow - great job. I struggle with large surfaces.

  4. Nice work on some proper vintage minis :)

  5. Cool figures, true mercenaries.


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