Tuesday, April 23, 2019

James' Obligatory Nondescript Skeleton Pile - 206 Points

April quickly turned into be the "oops, only two months left and there's only one model in the core skeleton unit so far" month.  Nothing terribly ground-breaking this month, but it had to get done!

The core skeleton unit is led by a Citadel Wight on foot that rummaged through my bitz box and stole a Foundry viking shield. The rank and file are all from Alternative Armies and really just gobble up brown washes very well. There's also a pair of archers and a skeleton with double handed sword to beef up the archers and Grim Reapers a bit.

It wouldn't be a classic undead army to me without the option to toss skulls across the battlefield.  Enter Bony McSkulltosser.  I know I've got the little pile of skulls lying around somewhere in the basement, but just like that one errant Lego piece, it won't make itself known until I stop looking.

The army so far...easily more complete than anything I ever put together between 4th and 6th editions!

And what of Slange?  The rest of his story takes place on the other side of the ocean.  By the time he gets there, everyone on the boat (i.e. April's painting) ends up a touch thinner. What Slange lacked in excitement and adventure this month, though, he'll make up for in May when he lands in Lustria and finds new and unfamiliar species to exploit!  Those special carrion are going to be a lot of fun to work on.

April's Horde
Lv 5 Hero: 30 points
Skull Chukka: 80 points
6 skeletons: 60 points
2 Archers: 24 points
1 Grim Reaper: 12 points
Total for April: 206 points


  1. ".easily more complete than anything I ever put together between 4th and 6th editions!" that always make me happy to hear!

    I really like the varied models you used for the skeletons!

  2. Another great installment and your army is looking fantastic. Good luck on the last 200 points!

  3. Nice work. The army is coming together nicely. I can't wait to see the last 200 points added to the pile.


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