Thursday, July 11, 2019

Sybou's Mulligan by M. Freeman

Hi everyone,

I'm Morgan Freeman. This month i have the honor to introduce you to Sybou's Mulligan.
At first, i asked myself what the hell is a Mulligan? And what shall I do ?

Then I understood, Sybou was too ashamed to talk about his efficiency during June. June, start of summer, lots of stuffs to think about, like getting your vacations ready or gathering more armies ...

I mean what's wrong with you people ... starting a new army you didn't even finish one ...

I mean look at ... This Greyhald Baronny army got a unit of 20 flagellants half done since last december ... And don't talk about the regular chaos army that's taking dust for 1,5 years.

The eternal painting queue 

So the lad was willing to paint 50 zombies in one month ... I mean 50 zombies and no monobloc one sculpt zombies, ... no, like 50 different ones, from Adams and Morley ... and even a plastic heroquest one for nostalgic reasons i ve difficulties to understand...

Oh this is harsh ... this Vampire didn't even have his black done

I mean, it s a pretty time consuming hobby and it's something that many of you meet during hobby time. Sometimes, you're on something then the next day you're finding energy for something completly different. The main point is to keep motivation and energy for all your projects, sometimes you go until the end and sometimes you don't.

Win some lose some

Owac, according to Sybou, seemed to be a heck of time. It helped to progress on this mountain of lead that each of us gather patiently and the month of July shall see the conclusion for all of you. 
Talking about that, it will be the month for the army photoshoot. I bet this will be grand.

Take a look at this army, man


  1. Ahh, some dulcet tones right there!

  2. This made me chuckle. And yes I absolutely read it to myself in Morgan Freeman's voice! :)


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