Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Lissanne's Undead - Bring out your Dead! Bring out your Dead! (410 pts)

In force, the vanguard of the army of Dirge rises from out the ocean waves to attack the unsuspecting town of Merchant's Reach...

The song of the Plague Cart seems an appropriate title for this month.  After doing my obligatory squad of skeletons, I wanted to do some more extras.

Each month I should try to do 2 or 3 zombies and a death rider if I want to finish all the Karr-Kell figures.  Did I cherry pick the easier zombies?  Yes.  But I finished 3 and a Death Rider

Death Rider

Pretty Lady zombie

Orc Zombie

And Dirge's undead Golden rottweiler

And I also finished the carrion I wanted to repaint to match the Tolkien fluff and my other carrion

AND...the undead war rhino as Plague cart, which turned out to be way easier than I thought.  I even dug out the 3 original skeleton riders and painted them up.  Still haven't found the catapult, but it's a plague cart so that is OK.  I can't believe I got this done after all these decades.

So, points are:
20 Skeleton Unit (20 shields, 10 spears) 230 pts
Carrion 45 pts
Undead Rhino Plague cart 100 pts
3 Zombies 12pts
1 Death Rider  light armor 23 pts
Total: 410 pts

That's a lot of rank and file done 
(I am spreading the spears pts 10 each to the 3 units because math bites.)

Dirge's skeleton army starts its rise from the ocean floor to attack the town of Merchant's Reach.  The plague cart has already claimed its first victims who march with it now as zombies, and there are still many more to come.  Her faithful rottweiler marches in the fore, her eyes and ears before she appears.  The carrion flies overhead, scouting out the path.

Don't expect this much every month! I do have my main units planned, I just got a lot of extras done this month too!

Next month, I plan to do Dirge the lich on her throne (and palanquin) if things go well.  If things go poorly, another unit of skeletons!


  1. Well that's one way to start the challenge!! Congratulations on your output! I love that big rhino, one of my fav model (the undead Grenadiers range is just awesome). I'll have to do mine one day!

  2. Wow!! that is massively impressive Lianne! great paint jobs too.

  3. Wow indeed! Seriously impressive start, and such a sickly-sweet colour pallete. The zombie horse in particular is fantastic.

    Have you based your zombies on more Dungeon style bases so they can do double duty? They look great!

    1. Yes. I based the first set of Karr Kell zombies that way, so I am continuing. Thank You!

  4. Big fan of the paint style, like stuntcat say, the sickly-sweet-mess of it is great!

  5. That is some of the best undead I have ever seen. The skeleton unit is superb!

  6. Those skelingtons are so great! The death rider is really gooey as well! But my favourite is definitely the orc zombie - you managed to make his skin green, but in a 'my original skin was green' way, instead of a 'B-movie zombie' green way. Excellent work.

  7. Wow! That's starting with some bang!! Great paint jobs.

  8. Those zombies are disgusting looking, and I mean that as a compliment!

  9. Thank You everyone! And thank Kev Adams and Upstream Game House for wonderfully disgusting zombies!

  10. Quite a different army from last year, but no less impressive so far. I agree with the comments above regarding the sickly colors on the zombies. But I also like that the skeletons have a some dirty color to them as well. Good call on using the rhino as a plague cart!

  11. Congrats on a great start. This is going to be a striking army. I’m really looking forward to the whole thing coming together.

  12. That Carrion is proper manky. I'm impressed; normally those look a bit daft but you've really captured its vultureish charm there.

  13. That is an impressive start. I think the undead fit your painting style perfectly as well. ;)

  14. That's huge! super productive, Lissanne! and lovely paintjob: I really like the undead rhino.

  15. That's an impressive start to the challenge!
    Those are some proper old school grotty skeletons, that look as though they've just climbed out their graves.
    The rotting flesh effects you did on the zombies and death rider are great.

  16. I love the crazy variety but the color scheme looks so uniformly rotten I can practically smell them through my screen.

  17. Great work! The carrion is particularly nice.

  18. blimey that's an impressive start! Those colours are absolutely incredible- the pink and bright green absolutely sing without going too far into neon. Really great brushwork

  19. Love the dirty/grim style, very evocative just like last year. You have a very unique style and its sweet, looking forwards to seeing the rest of the army pan out


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