Monday, March 30, 2020

James P Armbrustschutzen and ASB (264 Points)

Hello to my fellow OWAC participants. More State troops this month as we reach the half-way point. I wanted to comment on the lack of banners in my units. I plan to attach the banners in the last post's family picture. And now on to this month’s entry.

“By bolt or by sword.” “By bolt or by sword!!” repeated the Wardens in unison. Sargant Pfeffer was going through the daily training and target practice with his troops. Every day he repeats the unit’s motto and every day the response is the same. His men fully understand the importance of their task; to protect the cannons at all cost. Canons are rare in Solland and his two charges even more so. Gifted to The Sons by the dwarf lord Ardrit Runeflayer for their role in the relief of his outpost which was under siege from Orcs in the Montdidier pass. Very few know that Runeflayer himself trained the canon teams on the deployment and use of the weapons. The benefit of that training has paid off in many conflicts since. Runeflayer also provided the Wardens with dwarven made crossbows and explained the importance of protecting the canons to allow them to preform with peek efficiency. Pfeffer swore to the dwarf lord that the Wardens would protect the canons by bolt or by sword. Runeflayer was so pleased with Pfeffer’s dwarf-minded response that he invited the Wardens to train with his Quarrellers to fine tune their use of the crossbow. The Wardens pride themselves as the most well-trained unit in the Sons and their training has paid off on many a battlefield.

10 Armbrustschutzen – (champion and standard) 120pts
·        Crossbow, Hand Weapon, Light Armour
Level 10 Hero – 144pts (Army Standard Bearer)
·        Hand Weapon, Heavy armour, Shield, War Horse, Barding and War Banner


  1. I love the bold yellow. Nicely done.

  2. Seconded. White and yellow - a brave choice, but well executed!

  3. I third that, lovely color choice, and they look great and menacing!

  4. Nicely done! Nice uniformity in the yellow and white, but enough variation in the other colours that they don't look identical. Keep it up!

  5. "Sargant Pfeffer" :D Love it.

    I agree, the gold/yellow and white are strong colors and I really like the almost feudal feel of the set.

  6. Nice old figs you used there! Love the unit colors.

  7. Your colour scheme is giving this force a great visual coherence. They look ace on the tabletop! Loving the use of the old Perry minis though too. Wonderfully accurate minis 😉

  8. Nice little back story - I just read it to my 7 yr old who is staying up late and being a junior nerd - we enjoyed it :)


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