Monday, March 30, 2020

JamesG's Abominable March (200 points)

Some of the units in the army are finally rounding out now that we're wrapping up month three.  I like doing piecemeal selections of different units to offset lower cost models and provide a little variety, but it's nice to get these yetis done so I can move on to other things!

First up we have the Yeti Shaman. He thinks he's the boss, what with his big hittin' stick and tooth necklace, but we know his mighty Ld of 4 isn't going to cut it. He was a fun one, again a Reaper 
Bones fig that came together pretty easily.

The actual yeti handler is this Reaper metal fig.  She's labeled Jana Frostmourne, which I'm told is a Warcraft Dad Joke.  Her job is to wrangle the yeti clan and help them pass their Stupidity tests, just like so many goblins heroes have done for trolls in the past.

 Finally we've got more plastic viking dudes.  I've got enough of these guys painted now that the first unit will be completely done once the command models are in place.  Those may come in April if I don't decide to drop a big ol' 200 point Frost Giant.  That'll be up to the Great Enemy (my work schedule).

The collection so far

March Breakdown
Yeti Handler Hero: 65 points
Yeti Shaman (troll): 65 points
7 warriors: 70 points

Total for the month: 200 points


  1. Those yetis (yet-i?) look brilliant all together with their handler! It's so great seeing everyone's models coming together and resembling an actual force. Looking good!

  2. A girl and her yeti indeed. They look great!

  3. The yetis look great all together! And I love the Valkyries in your army, so refreshing in WF!

  4. That’s looking really good. I like the overall feel and mix of figures.

  5. Yetis unit is fantastic! Nice job on their fur, bravo

  6. That's a fearsome looking group this month!

  7. I don't get the dad joke (not a Warcraft player) but a nice figure. I'm continuing to really like the way the modern figures fit in with the oldhammer look.

    I'm getting tempted to do norse next year. This looks so fun. :)

  8. Nice force from the land of ice and snow...

  9. Starting to look like an army! They look great all together and I love the Yetis.

  10. Never seen an army like this before but I'm loving what you're doing. That Yeti unit is great (and fun) and I love the handler figure.

  11. Again, a really unique force you are putting out - keep up the good work! :)

    +1 For a Frost Giant next month!


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