Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Andrea's Sword Masters (260 pts)

Hi OWACers,

Here we go with April post!

This time is for Sword Masters, the central unit of the army: they are my favorite High Elf unit, worth to build an army around it! All miniatures of this unit are from the 6th edition, they already show many modern traits, with respect to the previous version, but I think they still retain an oldhammer flavor. I enjoyed really much painting them, as expected! ;-)
As for archers unit, I have prepared a proper banner: this time I have modified a classic banner from High Elf army book, changing the phoenix with the Saphery tower. I hope you like it!

So, here is the Sword Masters unit, all clad in their mithril and burnihsed gold heavy armor:  I used the same scheme color of the army General, to makes them as fiery and shiny as their lord.

The front rank, with command.

The second rank.

This month,  I added 208 (Sword Masters with command) + 52 (the unit champion)* points more to the list. This is also my half-challenge post, so the grand total so far is 712 points. And, here is the family picture at this point of the OWAC:

Well, I really looking forward to paint the rest of the army, which include Teclis: I am super-excited!
So, see you next month,

ciao, A.

* uhm... yes, in the introductory post of OWAC3 I forgot to include into the list the unit champion! ;-)


  1. Really great take on, as Iannick said, some classic 4th ed miniatures.

  2. Wonderful Sword Masters! And I say this as someone who paints elves. Looking forward to Teclis!

  3. Well, they look smart all together! I am also looking forward to Teclis. Kudos for the scenic shots!

  4. Your force is coming along nicely, well done!

  5. Love how classic these look, a true old skool WD feel

  6. That family picture reminds me of the box starter set for fantasy battle waaaaay back. You did a great job with this elves.


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